FAQ - System Maintenance

  w2-001   How to use VCEP to remotely control WinCE PAC?
  w2-001   如何使用VCEP與WinPAC或ViewPAC建立遠端桌面連線?
  w2-003   How to set the startup programs?
  w2-003   如何設定程式在開機時自動執行?
  w2-004   How to edit registry?
  w2-004   如何修改註冊表內容?
  w2-005   How to find the system information?
  w2-005   如何取得系統訊息?
  w2-006   How to recover the default factory settings?
  w2-006   如何回復出廠預設值?
  w2-007   How to add a shortcut to the desktop and programs?
  w2-007   如何新增程式捷徑至桌面與程式集?
  w2-010   How to change the input panel size?
  w2-010   如何變更軟體鍵盤上的按鍵大小?
  w2-011   How to enter characters without a keyboard?
  w2-011   如何呼叫軟體鍵盤?
  w2-012   How to automatically hide the taskbar?
  w2-012   如何自動隱藏工作列?
  w2-013   How to set the taskbar always on top?
  w2-013   如何設定工作列為最上層顯示?
  w2-014   How to configure an authoritative time server in windows server?
  w2-014   如何設定Windows電腦成為網路校時伺服器?
  w2-015   How to changing the User Interface and the Input Method Editor?
  w2-015   如何切換多國語言介面和鍵盤?
  w2-016   How to change the desktop background image?
  w2-016   如何切換桌面背景圖片?
  w2-017   How to Use FTP Telnet authentication?
  w2-017   如何使用FTP與Telnet認證?
  w2-018   How to use the NetworkID to access network resources?
  w2-018   如何設定使用者名稱與密碼存取網路資源?
  w2-019   How to Add a PPPoE Dial-up Connection?
  w2-019   如何建立PPPoE撥號連線?
  w2-020   How to show the CPU frequency on Processor information of the system properties?
  w2-020   如何得知CPU頻率?
  w2-021   How to configure the power management feature of the monitor?
  w2-021   如何啟動螢幕保護功能?
  w2-022   How to configure the SMB file server?
  w2-022   如何設定 SMB file server?
  w2-024   How to save the LCD Backlight settings?
  w2-024   如何儲存ViewPAC LCD的背光亮度設定值?
  w2-026   How to connect with the mobile network?
  w2-026   如何使用數據機連接行動網路?
  w2-029   How to use Autorun in plugging USB Disk?
  w2-029   如何在WinPAC插入USB磁碟時,自動執行預設程式?