Command |
#AAN(Data) |
Description |
Output analog value of specified channel |
Syntax |
# |
a delimiter character |
AA |
address of output module (00 to FF) |
N |
channel to output |
(Data) |
analog output value of specified channel with the specified
Type Vaule |
[CHK] |
2 characters of checksum |
(cr) |
Character Return(0x0D) for denote the end of command |
Response |
Valid Command |
>[CHK](cr) |
Output Overange or Underrange |
?[CHK](cr) |
Invalid Command |
?AA[CHK](cr) |
Ignore Command |
Syntax error or communication error may get no response.
> |
delimiter for valid command |
? |
delimiter for invalid command or the output value is overrange or underrange. If the channel is not available, the module will response as invalid command. |
! |
delimiter for ignore command. If host watchdog timeout flag is set, the output command is ignored and the output is SafeValue. |
AA |
address of response module (00 to FF) |
[CHK] |
2 characters of checksum |
(cr) |
Character Return(0x0D) for denote the end of response |
Example |
Command |
#012+05.000 |
Response |
> |
Description |
Output analog value +5.0 to channel 2 of address 01, response
success. ( for I-87024 ) |
Reference |
Data Format of Analog Output Module