VBPrj folder: C# demo source code VCPrj folder: VC demo executable file. Share_Data_Seg_Dll folder: used with BackplaneInfo.exe together Programs folder: The executable files and the associated DLL file Note: 1.The default working path is located at \temp on the device, so it needs to copy all executable files and DLL file to the device in the \temp directory and the all files could work. 2. Modify source code to change the working path as following 2.1 Edit Form1.cs in the \VB_UI_Call_VC_Realtime\VBPrj\RTTPrj 2.2 Modify the first pararmter of CreateProcess function. CreateProcess("\\temp\\RTTimerP.exe", sparameter, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, 0, 0, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, pi); For example, CreateProcess("\\temp\\RTTimerP.exe", spara, ...) Changed as CreateProcess("\\System_Disk\\RTTimerP.exe", spara,...) 2.3 Rebuild the RTTPrj project 2.4 Copy all executable files and DLL file to \System_Disk folder. 3. VCPrj.exe in the VCPrj folder and RTTimerDll.dll and RTTimerDll.lib in the Share_Data_Seg_Dll folder are platform-dependent, so the ARM-based VCPrj.exe, RTTimerDll.dll and RTTimerDll.lib used for WinPAC are not applied to XPAC and vice versa.