Command $AA0L(Data)
Description Set Minimum Input Width at Low Level
Syntax $AA0L(Data)[CHK](cr)
$ a delimiter character
AA address of setting module (00 to FF)
0L command for setting minimum input width at low level.
(Data) minimum input width at low level, from 00002 to 65535 and the input width is set from 2 uS to 65535 uS
[CHK] 2 characters of Checksum
(cr) Character Return(0x0D) for denote the end of command
Valid Command !AA[CHK](cr)
Invalid Command ?AA[CHK](cr)
Syntax error or communication error may get no response.
! delimiter for valid command
? delimiter for invalid command.
AA address of response module (00 to FF)
[CHK] 2 characters of Checksum
(cr) Character Return(0x0D) for denote the end of response
Command $010L00002
Response !01
Description Set address 01 minimum input width at low level as 2 uS, return success.

Reference $AA4S

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