------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2010.03 New OS released: nk_8x4x_20100316_EN_CAB_V200.bin (英文版本) nk_8x4x_20100316_TC_CAB_V200.bin (繁體中文) nk_8x4x_20100316_SC_CAB_V200.bin (簡體中文) 此OS版本採用2006年版的USB Host Driver,其最主要的目的是, 可以有效解決長時間執行高負載程式所造成的USB滑鼠及USB鍵盤無反應的問題。 不過此版 OS 會產生以下問題,但有相關替代方式可解決: (1) 使用 USB 隨身碟複製檔案到WinCon的CF卡,會造系統當機。因為這種需要檔案複製 的情況,一般只會在系統的開發初期才會發生,因此使用者可以透過FTP或使用讀卡 機的方式,將檔案複製到 WinCon 的 CF 卡中,以避免發生此問題。 (2) 若將OS Image 放在USB隨身碟中,以 WinCon Utility 進行OS版本的更新, 則不會有 (1) 所述的問題。但更新完成後,需將USB隨身碟移除,長時間的操作不能 一直插著USB隨身碟。 一般而言,使用者只會在開發軟体的階段使用到 USB 隨身碟,此 USB 隨身碟的問題, 可以用其他方法解決 (如第1點所述)。 讓 WinCon 可以運作得更穩定是更重要的事,所以我們選擇使用 2006 年版的 USB Host Driver。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oct.2008 New OS released: nk_8x4x_20080701_EN_CAB_V200.bin (English version) nk_8x4x_20080701_TC_CAB_V200.bin (Traditional Chinese version) nk_8x4x_20080701_SC_CAB_V200.bin (Simplified Chinese version) The OS 改善了 TCP/IP 和 FTP 通訊的長時間穩定度。 -- Application Note ------------------------- If your WinCon reboots with one Ethernet port connected only (ex : LAN1), and changes the Ethernet cable to connect the other Ethernet port (ex : LAN2 connected only) in application, the WinCon will not auto switch to use the Ethernet port connected. You need to update the TCP/IP configuration manually, or use the OS which are named with date : 20080313. You can get them from: enclosed CD:\os_image\8x4x_os_backup\ or ftp://ftp.icpdas.com/pub/cd/w-8x4x/os_image/8x4x_os_backup/ ------------------------------------------------------- -- OS images released at 200803 ------------------------------ nk_8x4x_20080313_EN_CAB_V200.bin (English version) nk_8x4x_20080313_TC_CAB_V200.bin (Traditional Chinese version) nk_8x4x_20080313_SC_CAB_V200.bin (Simplified Chinese version) The OS new released changes the driver support approach of touch panel or other external devices by installing driver manually on WinCon. The drivers are located at CD:\external_device_driver\ and CF card on the WinCon \compactflash\external_device_driver The OS upgraded also solved the three bugs: 1.Back to default setting: To solve the problem: update \CompactFlash\ICPDAS\Init\reset.exe (12,288 bytes) ftp://ftp.icpdas.com/pub/cd/w-8x4x/compactflash/icpdas/init/ Other .dll also been updated, so please update the whole directory. 2.The calender problem can not pass 2010: run EbootUpdate.exe on WinCon to update eboot (eboot_8x4x_20070921_V100.nb0) Refer to the eboot folder in the same directory (CD:\osimage\eboot) 3.The memory leak problem in .Net 2003 was solved. == End ==