#ifndef _TCPIP_H_ #define _TCPIP_H_ #define NNETS 1 #define NCONFIGS 20 #define NCONNS 32 #define NBUFFS 31 #define FIFO_SIZE 16 #define MAXBUF 1536 #define FRAGMENTATION 3 #define IPOPTIONS #define USS_IP_MC_LEVEL 0 #undef MIB2 #define RELAYING 1 #define chksum_INASM #define DHCP 2 #undef DNS #undef PPP #define USERID "test" #define PASSWD "usnet" #define LITTLE /* 10/17/2003 add */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* =========================================================================== local initialization and termination code for Ninit() and Nterm() */ int Nclkinit(void); /* timer setup routine */ void Nclkterm(void); #define LOCALSETUP() Nclkinit() #define LOCALSHUTOFF() Nclkterm() /* Add by TKT */ void SetLocalHostName(char *hostname); /* net.c [90/04/17] */ /*********** socket.h ***************************************/ //#ifndef errno //extern int errno; //#endif /* protocol family */ #define PF_UNSPEC 0 /* unspecified protocol family */ #define PF_INET 2 /* TCP/IP and related */ #define AF_UNSPEC 0 /* unspecified address family */ #define AF_INET 2 /* TCP/IP and related */ /* socket types */ #define SOCK_STREAM 1 /* stream socket */ #define SOCK_DGRAM 2 /* datagram socket */ #define SOCK_RAW 3 /* raw-protocol interface */ /* options for getsockopt() and setsockopt() */ #define SOL_SOCKET 0xffff /* options for socket level */ #define IPPROTO_TCP 0x0001 /* options for TCP level */ #define IPPROTO_IP 0x0002 /* options for IP level */ #define SO_DEBUG 0x0001 /* turn on debugging info recording */ #define SO_REUSEADDR 0x0004 /* allow local address reuse */ #define SO_KEEPALIVE 0x0008 /* keep connections alive */ #define SO_DONTROUTE 0x0010 /* just use interface addresses */ #define SO_BROADCAST 0x0020 /* permit sending of broadcast msgs */ #define SO_LINGER 0x0080 /* linger on close if data present */ #define SO_OOBINLINE 0x0100 /* leave received OOB data in line */ #define SO_SNDBUF 0x1001 /* send buffer size */ #define SO_RCVBUF 0x1002 /* receive buffer size */ #define SO_ERROR 0x1007 /* get error status and clear */ #define SO_TYPE 0x1008 /* get socket type */ #define TCP_MAXSEG 0x2000 /* maximum segment size */ #define TCP_NODELAY 0x2001 /* immediate send() */ #define IP_OPTIONS 0x0001 /* IP header options */ /* options for recv and send */ #define MSG_OOB 0x01 /* send or receive out of band data */ #define MSG_PEEK 0x02 /* take data but leave it */ #define MSG_DONTROUTE 0x04 /* do not route */ /* options for fcntl */ #define O_NDELAY 0x04 /* non-blocking */ #define FNDELAY O_NDELAY /* synonym */ #define F_GETFL 3 /* get flags */ #define F_SETFL 4 /* set flags */ /* options for ioctl */ #define SIOCATMARK 7 /* check for out of bound data */ #define FIONBIO 126 /* set/clear non-blocking I/O */ #define FIONREAD 127 /* number of bytes to read */ /* structures */ struct sockaddr { /* generic socket address */ unsigned short sa_family; /* address family */ char sa_data[14];/* up to 14 bytes of direct address */ }; struct in_addr { /* Internet address */ unsigned long s_addr; }; struct sockaddr_in { /* Internet socket address */ short sin_family; /* should be unsigned but this is BSD */ unsigned short sin_port; /* network order !!! */ struct in_addr sin_addr; char sin_zero[8]; }; struct iovec { /* address and length */ char *iov_base; /* base */ int iov_len; /* size */ }; struct msghdr { /* Message header for recvmsg and sendmsg. */ char *msg_name; /* optional address */ int msg_namelen;/* size of address */ struct iovec *msg_iov; /* scatter/gather array */ int msg_iovlen; /* # elements in msg_iov */ char *msg_accrights; /* access rights sent/received */ int msg_accrightslen; }; struct hostent { /* structure for gethostbyname */ char *h_name; /* official name of host */ char **h_aliases; /* alias list */ int h_addrtype; /* host address type */ int h_length; /* length of address */ char **h_addr_list;/* list of addresses from name server */ #define h_addr h_addr_list[0] /* address, for backward compatiblity */ }; struct servent { /* structure for getservbyname */ char *s_name; /* official service name */ char **s_aliases; /* alias list */ int s_port; /* port # */ char *s_proto; /* protocol to use */ }; struct linger { /* structure for the SO_LINGER option */ int l_onoff; /* zero=off, nonzero = on */ int l_linger; /* linger time, in seconds */ }; #define CHAR_BIT_CNT 8 #define FD_SET(n, p) ((p)->fds_bits[(n)/CHAR_BIT_CNT] |= (1 << ((n) % CHAR_BIT_CNT))) #define FD_CLR(n, p) ((p)->fds_bits[(n)/CHAR_BIT_CNT] &= ~(1 << ((n) % CHAR_BIT_CNT))) #define FD_ISSET(n, p) ((p)->fds_bits[(n)/CHAR_BIT_CNT] & (1 << ((n) % CHAR_BIT_CNT))) #define FD_ZERO(p) memset((void *)(p), 0, sizeof (*(p))) typedef struct fd_set { /* Bit mask for select() */ unsigned char fds_bits[(NCONNS+CHAR_BIT_CNT-1) / CHAR_BIT_CNT]; } fd_set; struct timeval { /* Timeout format for select() */ long tv_sec; /* seconds */ long tv_usec; /* microseconds */ }; /* BSD socket error codes */ #define NE_PARAM -10 /* user parameter error */ #define EHOSTUNREACH -11 /* host not reachable */ #define ETIMEDOUT -12 /* timeout */ #define ECONNABORTED -14 /* protocol error */ #define ENOBUFS -15 /* no buffer space */ #define EBADF -16 /* connection block invalid */ #define EFAULT -17 /* invalid pointer argument */ #define EWOULDBLOCK -18 /* operation would block */ #define EMSGSIZE -19 /* message too long */ #define ENOPROTOOPT -20 /* Protocol not available */ #define EDESTADDRREQ -50 /* Destination address required */ #define EPROTOTYPE -52 /* Protocol wrong type for socket */ #define EPROTONOSUPPORT -54 /* Protocol not supported */ #define ESOCKTNOSUPPORT -55 /* Socket type not supported */ #define EOPNOTSUPP -56 /* Operation not supported on socket */ #define EPFNOSUPPORT -57 /* Protocol family not supported */ #define EAFNOSUPPORT -58 /* Address family not supported by */ /* protocol family */ #define EADDRINUSE -59 /* Address already in use */ #define EADDRNOTAVAIL -60 /* Can't assign requested address */ #define ENETDOWN -61 /* Network is down */ #define ENETUNREACH -62 /* Network is unreachable */ #define ENETRESET -63 /* Network dropped connection because */ /* of reset */ #define ECONNRESET -65 /* Connection reset by peer */ #define EISCONN -67 /* Socket is already connected */ #define ENOTCONN -68 /* Socket is not connected */ #define ESHUTDOWN -69 /* Can't send after socket shutdown */ #define ECONNREFUSED -72 /* Connection refused */ #define EHOSTDOWN -73 /* Host is down */ #define EALREADY -76 /* operation already in progress */ #define EINPROGRESS -77 /* operation now in progress */ /* byte swapping routines */ unsigned short htons(unsigned short); #define ntohs(val) htons(val) unsigned long htonl(unsigned long); #define ntohl(val) htonl(val) /* function prototypes */ int Ninit(void); int Nterm(void); int Portinit(char *port); int Portterm(char *port); /*int Nprintf(char *form,...);*/ /*void Nputchr(char); */ int Nchkchr(void); int Ngetchr(void); int selectsocket(int nfds, fd_set * readfds, fd_set * writefds, fd_set * exceptfds, struct timeval * timeout); int accept(int s, struct sockaddr * name, int *namelen); int bind(int s, struct sockaddr * name, int namelen); int connect(int s, struct sockaddr * name, int namelen); int getsockname(int s, struct sockaddr * name, int *namelen); int getpeername(int s, struct sockaddr * peer, int *addrlen); int getsockopt(int s, int level, int optname, char *optval, int *optlen); int setsockopt(int s, int level, int optname, char *optval, int optlen); int listen(int s, int backlog); int recv(int s, char *buf, int len, int flags); #define readsocket(s, buf, len) recv(s, buf, len, 0) int recvfrom(int s, char *buf, int len, int flags, struct sockaddr * from, int *fromlen); int recvmsg(int s, struct msghdr * msg, int flags); int send(int s, char *buf, int len, int flags); #define writesocket(s, buf, len) send(s, buf, len, 0) int sendto(int s, char *buf, int len, int flags, struct sockaddr * to, int tolen); int sendmsg(int s, struct msghdr * msg, int flags); int shutdown(int s, int how); int socket(int domain, int type, int protocol); int closesocket(int conno); struct hostent *gethostbyname_r(char *hnp, struct hostent * result, char *buffer, int buflen, int *h_errnop); struct hostent *gethostbyname(char *hnp); struct hostent *gethostbyaddr_r(char *addr, int len, int type, struct hostent * result, char *buffer, int buflen, int *h_errnop); struct hostent *gethostbyaddr(char *addr, int len, int type); int fcntlsocket(int fildes, int cmd, int arg); int ioctlsocket(int fildes, int request,...); void sleepsocket(int sec); unsigned long inet_addr(char *dotted); char *inet_ntoa(struct in_addr addr); /* net.h */ /* */ #include /* needed for size_t type definition */ #define IP 1 /* Internet Protocol: connectionless */ #define ARP 2 /* Address Resolution Protocol */ #define TCP 3 /* Transport Control Protocol: full connections */ #define UDP 4 /* User Datagram Protocol: simple connections */ #define ICMP 5 /* Internet Control Message Protocol */ #if 0 #define RARP 6 /* Reverse Address Resolution Protocol */ #endif /* ========================================================================= Configuration definitions. */ #define LHDRSZ 14 /* size of link level header */ #define TOUT_READ 20000UL /* default timeout ms for read */ #define REASSTOUT 60000UL /* reassembly timeout ms */ #define ARPTOUT 60000UL /* ARP address void in this time, 0 = never */ #define MAXWACK 4 /* maximum messages in the wait for ACK queue */ #define MAXWIND 4 /* window size in full buffers */ #define MAXOUTQLEN 10 /* maximum output queue length */ /* ========================================================================= Macros and definitions to simplify coding. */ #define ASCII 0 /* file mode: text */ #define IMAGE 1 /* binary */ #define QUEUE_EMPTY(ptr, qname) (ptr->qname.mhead == ptr->qname.mtail) #define QUEUE_FULL(ptr, qname) \ (ptr->qname.mhead == ((ptr->qname.mtail + 1) & \ ((sizeof(ptr->qname.mp)/sizeof(ptr->qname.mp[0]))-1))) #define QUEUE_IN(ptr, qname, mess) \ ptr->qname.mp[ptr->qname.mtail] = mess; \ ptr->qname.mtail = (ptr->qname.mtail + 1) & \ ((sizeof(ptr->qname.mp)/sizeof(ptr->qname.mp[0]))-1); #define QUEUE_OUT(ptr, qname, mess) \ mess = ptr->qname.mp[ptr->qname.mhead]; \ ptr->qname.mhead = (ptr->qname.mhead + 1) & \ ((sizeof(ptr->qname.mp)/sizeof(ptr->qname.mp[0]))-1); #define MESS_OUT(ptr, mess) \ mess = ptr->first; \ if ((ptr->first = mess->next) == 0) \ ptr->last = (MESS *)&ptr->first; \ ptr->ninque--; \ #ifndef FARDEF #define FAR #define Nfarcpy memcpy #else #define FAR FARDEF void Nfarcpy(char FAR *, char FAR *, int); #endif /* ========================================================================= Structures. */ /* external or Ethernet address format */ #define Eid_SZ 6 struct Eid { unsigned char c[Eid_SZ]; }; /* internal or IP address format */ #define Iid_SZ 4 typedef union { unsigned char c[Iid_SZ]; unsigned short s[Iid_SZ / 2]; unsigned long l; } Iid; typedef union { unsigned char b[4]; unsigned long l; } IPaddr; #define EQIID(id1, id2) (*(long *)&id1 == *(long *)&id2) #define Ihdr_SZ 20 /* IP address interpretation function for multicast */ /* note that IP address is stored in network byte order */ #ifdef LITTLE #define USS_ISCLASSD(iidl) ((iidl & 0xe0UL) == 0xe0UL) #else #define USS_ISCLASSD(iidl) ((iidl & 0xe0000000UL) == 0xe0000000UL) #endif #define ussBroadcastIndex 255 /* special conf index for broadcast */ #define ussMulticastIndex 254 /* special conf index for multicast */ #define ussDfltMcNetno 0 /* by default, mcast messages sent to this net */ /* Indices for the protoc array in the NET structure */ #define ussLinkIndex 0 #define ussDriverIndex 1 #define ussAdapterIndex 2 /* Commands for ioctl request argument */ enum ioctlreq { ussIdentE, ussDevBaudSetE, ussLinkIsUpE, ussLinkIsDownE, ussLinkBringUpE, ussLinkBringDownE, ussInterfaceBringUpE, ussInterfaceBringDownE, ussPPPUserIdSetE, ussPPPUserIdGetE, ussPPPPasswordSetE, ussPPPPasswordGetE, ussPPPDialEnableE, ussPPPDialDisableE, ussMcastGroupJoinE, ussMcastGroupLeaveE }; struct MESSH { /* internal message header */ struct MESSH *next; /* chain pointer */ unsigned long timems; /* time stamp */ unsigned long target; /* IP address of target */ unsigned short mlen; /* message length */ unsigned char netno; /* network number */ char offset; /* offset to current level */ unsigned char confix; /* network configuration index */ char conno; /* connection number */ short id; /* message identification */ }; typedef struct MESSH MESS; #define MESSH_SZ ((sizeof(MESS)+3)&~3) #define bFUTURE 0x7777 /* buffer in future queue */ #define bFREE 0x7676 /* buffer free */ #define bALLOC 0x7575 /* buffer allocated */ #define bWACK 0x7474 /* buffer in wait-for-ack queue */ #define bRELEASE 0x7373 /* buffer to be released */ #define boRELEASED (char)0xff /* offset for released buffer */ #define boTXDONE (char)0xfd /* offset for transmit done */ #define PTABLE const struct P_tab /* typedef caused trouble */ struct P_tab { /* protocol table, at end of each module */ char name[10]; /* name of protocol */ int (*init) (int, char *); /* initialize */ void (*shut) (int); /* shut */ int (*screen) (MESS *); /* screen */ int (*opeN) (int, int); /* open */ int (*closE) (int); /* close */ MESS *(*reaD) (int); /* receive */ int (*writE) (int, MESS *); /* send */ int (*ioctl) (void *, enum ioctlreq, void *, size_t); /* i/o control */ int Eprotoc; /* external protocol num */ unsigned char hdrsiz; /* header size */ }; /* ========================================================================= Link level protocols. */ extern PTABLE ussEthernetTable; /* These #defines provide shorthand names for the above */ #define Ethernet &ussEthernetTable /* ========================================================================= Driver level protocols. */ extern PTABLE ussNE2000Table; extern PTABLE ussWrapTable; /* More shorthand. These names are used in netconf.c */ #define NE2000 &ussNE2000Table #define WRAP &ussWrapTable /*[06/20/2002] struct FIFOQ8 { MESS *mp[8]; int mhead, mtail; }; */ struct FIFOQ16 { MESS *mp[FIFO_SIZE]; int mhead, mtail; }; struct NETDATA { /* network configuration table - ROM */ char *name; /* host name */ char *pname; /* port name */ /* the following are really type Iid but some compilers will not allow initial data for unions */ struct { unsigned char c[Iid_SZ]; } /* address mask, 0 = host part */ Imask, Iaddr; /* internal (Internet) address */ struct Eid Eaddr; /* external (Ethernet) address */ char flags; /* configuration flags */ PTABLE *lprotoc; /* link level protocol */ PTABLE *dprotoc; /* driver */ PTABLE *adapter; /* adapter */ char *params; /* pointer to setup parameters */ }; /* configuration flag bits */ #define NOTUSED 1 /* configured out */ #define BOOTSERVER 2 #define TIMESERVER 4 /* will respond to ICMP time requests */ #define ROUTER 0x08 /* host is a default router or gateway */ #define LOCALHOST 0x10 /* this is me */ #define NODE 0x20 /* host has at least 2 networks */ #define DIAL 0x40 /* dial-up line */ #define DNSVER 0x80 /* host is a DNS server */ /* flags to be used in Nopen */ #define IPADDR 0x0100 /* name is IP address (binary */ /* ========================================================================= Error codes. Use values -100, -101 etc. for private codes. */ #define NE_PARAM -10 /* user parameter error */ #define EHOSTUNREACH -11 /* host not reachable */ #define ETIMEDOUT -12 /* timeout */ #define NE_HWERR -13 /* hardware error */ #define ECONNABORTED -14 /* protocol error */ #define ENOBUFS -15 /* no buffer space */ #define EBADF -16 /* connection block invalid */ #define EFAULT -17 /* invalid pointer argument */ #define EWOULDBLOCK -18 /* operation would block */ #define EMSGSIZE -19 /* message too long */ #define ENOPROTOOPT -20 /* Protocol not available */ #define ussErrInval -21 /* this ioctl request not implemented */ /* old codes */ #define NE_NOTCONF EHOSTUNREACH #define NE_TIMEOUT ETIMEDOUT #define NE_NOBUFS ENOBUFS #define NE_PROTO ECONNABORTED /* ========================================================================= Function prototypes. */ void Ninitbuf(int size, int count); MESS *Ngetbuf(void); MESS *NgetbufIR(void); void Nrelbuf(MESS * bufptr); void NrelbufIR(MESS * bufptr); void Ncntbuf(void); int BuildRoutes(void); int GetHostData(unsigned long iid, int addflag); int Ninit(void); int Nterm(void); int Portinit(char *port); int Portterm(char *port); int Nopen(char *to, char *protoc, int myport, int herport, int flags); int Nclose(int conno); int Nwrite(int conno, char *mess, int len); int Nread(int conno, char *mess, int len); int BOOTPnames(char *host, char *file); void FAR *BOOTP(char FAR * base, char *host, char *file); void BOOTPserv(void); void TFTPserv(void); int TFTPput(char *host, char *file, int mode); int TFTPget(char *host, char *file, int mode); void FTPserv(void); int FTPgetput(char *host, char *file, int mode); #define FTPget(host, file, mode) FTPgetput(host, file, mode) #define FTPput(host, file, mode) FTPgetput(host, file, mode+2) int getEid(unsigned long iid); int pppTimeout(int netno); int ussHostGroupJoin(Iid iid, int netno); int ussHostGroupLeave(Iid iid, int netno); /*******************************/ /* */ /* event numbers, dependent on the multitasker */ #define SIG_RC(conno) (conno+conno+EVBASE) /* read connection */ #define SIG_CC(conno) (conno+conno+1+EVBASE) /* control connection */ #define SIG_RN(netno) (2*netno+2*NCONNS+EVBASE) /* read network */ #define SIG_WN(netno) (2*netno+2*NCONNS+1+EVBASE) /* write network */ #define SIG_ARP (2*(NCONNS+NNETS)+EVBASE) /* ARP */ #define SIG_GEN (2*(NCONNS+NNETS)+1+EVBASE) /* general purpose */ void NetTask(int netno); /* ========================================================================= Structures that are affected by LOCAL.H so they can't be in NET.H */ struct NET { /* structure defining a network */ int netstat; /* status bits */ PTABLE *protoc[3]; /* link, driver, adapter protocol */ unsigned char confix; /* number in configuration table */ char sndoff; /* offset to sender's address */ unsigned long tout; /* basic timeout in milliseconds */ int maxblo; /* maximum block size for link */ int nettasktout;/* timeout for network task */ char cflags; /* configuration flags */ char worktodo; /* flag for network task */ unsigned char none1; /* alignment */ unsigned char state; /* state */ struct FIFOQ16 arrive; /* circular list of arrivals */ MESS *fragmq; /* linked sorted list of fragments */ MESS *fragmh; /* reassembled message */ int irno[4]; /* interrupt numbers */ int port; /* I/O port */ char FAR *base[2]; /* for memory-mapped I/O */ struct Eid id; /* board id */ unsigned char netno; /* network number */ char hwflags; /* hardware level flags */ MESS *bufbas; /* input buffer base */ MESS *bufbaso; /* output buffer base */ struct FIFOQ16 depart; /* circular list of departures */ long bps; /* bits per second */ #ifdef DHCP unsigned long DHCPserver; /* DHCP server IP address */ unsigned long LeaseTime; /* DHCP times */ unsigned long RenewalTime; unsigned long RebindingTime; unsigned long DHCPsecs; #endif char *ifDescr; int ifType; int ifAdminStatus; #ifdef MIB2 unsigned long ifLastChange; unsigned long ifInOctets; unsigned long ifInUcastPkts; unsigned long ifInNUcastPkts; #endif unsigned long ifInDiscards; unsigned long ifInErrors; #ifdef MIB2 unsigned long ifInUnknownProtos; unsigned long ifOutOctets; unsigned long ifOutUcastPkts; unsigned long ifOutNUcastPkts; #endif unsigned long ifOutDiscards; unsigned long ifOutErrors; #ifdef LQRP unsigned long ownLQRPms; unsigned long peerLQRPms; char lastins[32]; unsigned long OutLQRs; unsigned long InLQRs; unsigned long InGoodOctets; #endif /* all hardware net structures must fit in SERIAL, use filler if necessary */ struct SERIAL { /* hardware net data for serial lines */ unsigned long ul1, ul2; /* miscellaneous */ unsigned long timems; /* time stamp */ void (*comec) (int, struct NET *); /* character from driver */ int (*goingc) (struct NET *); /* character to driver */ char *bufin; /* input buffer pointer */ char *buflim; /* input buffer upper limit */ char *bufout; /* output buffer pointer */ char baudctl[2]; /* baud rate controls */ int chsout; /* output buffer counter */ unsigned char lastin; /* last arrived character */ unsigned char nxtout; /* next character out */ char opt1, opt2, opt3, opt4; /* various internal options */ char opt5, opt6, opt7, opt8; #ifdef PPP unsigned short locopts, remopts; char *userid, *passwd; /* User ID and password for PPP */ unsigned char *script, *sp; /* Script and script pointer */ unsigned short st; /* State of script */ unsigned long mnum, idle_time, echo_time; } hw; struct FIFOQ16 future; /* queued messages from dial on demand */ Iid ohaddr, oraddr; /* Old Host/Remote IP for PPP */ Iid haddr, raddr; /* New Host/Remote IP for PPP */ #else } hw; #endif }; struct NETCONF { /* network configuration table - RAM */ char name[9]; /* host name */ char pname[9]; /* port name */ Iid Imask; /* address mask, 0 = host part */ Iid Iaddr; /* internal (Internet) address */ struct Eid Eaddr; /* external (Ethernet) address */ char flags; /* configuration flags */ char ncstat; /* block status */ char cqnext, cqprev; /* next, previous in cache queue */ unsigned char netno; /* network number */ unsigned char hops; /* number of needed hops */ unsigned char nexthix; /* next host index */ unsigned char gnid; /* for routing logic */ char hwaddyes; /* flag for hardware address present */ #ifdef ARP char ARPwait; /* flag for message waiting for ARP */ MESS *ARPwaitmp; /* 1 message waiting for ARP */ #endif unsigned long timems; /* time stamp */ }; struct CONNECT { /* logical connection structure */ char blockstat; /* connection block status: */ /* 0 = free */ /* 1 = allocated */ /* 2 = close initiated */ /* 4 = close in final timeout */ char txstat; /* main level status flags, see below */ char rxstat; /* nettask level status flags. see below */ char state; /* state machine state */ struct CONNECT *next; /* link for incoming connection queue */ int backlog; /* maximum size of backlog */ int icqcur; /* num in icq, or idx of listening socket */ unsigned char sendack; /* flag to send ACK */ unsigned char netno; /* net number */ unsigned char confix; /* target configuration index */ unsigned char routeidx; /* route table index */ unsigned char arpidx; /* arp table index */ char tcpflags; /* TCP read places flags here */ unsigned long rxtout; /* timeout value for receive */ unsigned long txtout; /* transmission timeout */ long txvar, txave; /* values needed to calculate txtout */ unsigned long txseq; /* my sequence number */ unsigned long rxseq; /* the other sequence number */ unsigned long ackno; /* acknowledged up to this */ unsigned long seqtoack; /* next we'll ACK this number */ unsigned long ackdseq; /* last ACK'd number */ unsigned long acktime; /* time from which ACK delayed */ MESS *first, *last; /* linked list of arrived messages */ MESS *wackf, *wackl; /* linked list of messages waiting for ACK */ unsigned char ninque; /* number of messages in input queue */ unsigned char nwacks; /* number of entries in the WACK queue */ unsigned char wackmax; /* maximum WACK length */ unsigned char wackslow; /* WACK length where we slow down */ MESS *future; /* linked sorted list of future messages */ PTABLE *protoc[5]; /* protocol path */ int myport; /* my port number, network order */ int herport; /* the other port number, network order */ Iid heriid; /* requested remote Internet address */ Iid realiid; /* received remote Internet address */ #ifdef MIB2 Iid offerediid; /* offered local Internet address */ #endif unsigned int window; /* how much we can send */ unsigned int mywindow; /* size of our window */ unsigned int prevwindow; /* last advertized window */ unsigned int maxdat; /* maximum data size for application */ unsigned int doffset; /* user data offset in buffer */ unsigned long lastrxtime; /* time of last RX */ char urgflag; /* urgent flag: 1 = data present */ char urgdata; /* urgent data */ unsigned short pseudosum; /* fixed part of pseudo-header checksum */ unsigned short frid; /* fragment id for the IP header */ #ifdef IPOPTIONS char IPOtxlen; /* IP options for TX: length in bytes */ char IPOrxlen; /* IP options for RX: length in bytes */ char IPOtxopt[40]; /* IP level options for write */ char IPOrxopt[40]; /* IP level options for read */ #endif #if USS_IP_MC_LEVEL > 0 unsigned char mcnetno; /* mcast network + 1, 0 means deflt */ unsigned char mcttl; /* mcast ttl, 0 means default */ #endif int urgcnt; /* amount of urgent data */ unsigned long urgseq; /* starting point of urgent data */ MESS *ostreamb; /* output stream I/O buffer base */ }; #define S_FIN 0x01 /* main level txstat: write end of file */ #define S_MON 0x02 /* monitor mode */ #define S_KEEPA 0x04 /* keepalive mode */ #define S_PSH 0x08 /* push */ #define S_NOCON 0x10 /* no connection, for UDP */ #define S_URG 0x20 /* urgent, out of band */ #define S_STRM 0x40 /* stream */ #define S_NOWA 0x80 /* non-blocking */ #define S_EOF 0x01 /* rx level stat: nothing more to read */ #define S_NOACK 0x02 /* we failed to get an ack */ #define S_UNREA 0x04 /* destination unreachable ICMP */ #define S_TIMEX 0x08 /* time exceeded ICMP */ #define S_QUENC 0x10 /* source quench ICMP */ #define S_FATAL 0x20 /* fatal error */ #define S_RST 0x40 /* restart message received */ /* ========================================================================= Macros to simplify coding. */ /* Check/take a packet from network (physical connection) netno. These would be redifined in an environment that does not use USNET drivers. */ #define CHECK_DRIVER_PACKET(netno) QUEUE_EMPTY(netp, arrive) #define TAKE_DRIVER_PACKET(netno, mp) QUEUE_OUT(netp, arrive, mp) #define NLONG char #define NC2(val) (((val&0xff) << 8) | ((unsigned short)val >> 8)) #define GETLONG(w, net) w.c[0] = net[3], w.c[1] = net[2], w.c[2] = net[1], w.c[3] = net[0] #define PUTLONG(w, net) net[0] = w.c[3], net[1] = w.c[2], net[2] = w.c[1], net[3] = w.c[0] #ifdef __cplusplus #define GLOBALCONST extern #else #define GLOBALCONST #endif /* Turn on and off the non-blocking mode. This mode is not a good idea in multi-tasking applications. */ #define SOCKET_CLEAR(s) connblo[s].rxstat = 0 #define SOCKET_NOBLOCK(s) connblo[s].txstat |= S_NOWA, connblo[s].rxtout = 0 #define SOCKET_BLOCK(s) connblo[s].txstat &= ~S_NOWA, \ connblo[s].rxtout = TOUT_READ #define SOCKET_IPADDR(s) connblo[s].realiid #define SOCKET_OWNIPADDR(s) netconf[nets[connblo[s].netno].confix].Iaddr #define SOCKET_PUSH(s) connblo[s].txstat |= S_PSH #define SOCKET_FIN(s) connblo[s].txstat |= S_FIN #define SOCKET_TESTFIN(s) (connblo[s].rxstat & S_EOF) #define SOCKET_ISOPEN(s) (connblo[s].state == 1) #define SOCKET_HASDATA(s) (connblo[s].first != 0) #define SOCKET_CANSEND(s, len) socket_cansend(s, len) int socket_cansend(int, unsigned int); #define SOCKET_MAXDAT(s) connblo[s].maxdat /* Set read timeout to milliseconds. */ #define SOCKET_RXTOUT(s, val) connblo[s].rxtout = val /* ========================================================================= Function prototypes for support functions. */ /*[91/04/16] #ifndef Ndisable void Ndisable(void); #endif #ifndef Nenable void Nenable(void); #endif #ifndef Nputchr void Nputchr(char); #endif */ MESS *reaDD(int conno); unsigned short Nchksum(unsigned short *sp, int cnt); unsigned short Nportno(void); unsigned long Nclock(void); int Nchkchr(void); int Ngetchr(void); int Ninitsupp(void); unsigned long TimeMS(void); void SetTimeMS(unsigned long); int Nsprintf(char *buffer, char *format,...); int Nsscanf(char *buffer, char *format,...); void Npanic(char *); void ConfLock(void); void ConfFree(void); int ConfFind(int startix, struct NETCONF * argp); int ConfDel(int argix); int ConfAdd(struct NETCONF * argp); int ConfRename(int argix, Iid iaddr); void ConfDisplay(void); int RARPget(int netno); int Ndial(int netno, char *phonenumber); #ifdef ICMP void ICMPreply(MESS * mess, int type, int scode); #else #define ICMPreply(mess, type, scode) #endif int DHCPget(int netno, unsigned long lease); int DHCPrelease(int netno); #ifdef DNS int DNSresolve(char *fullname, IPaddr * iidp); #endif #ifdef PPP int MPjoin(int netno, int oldnetno); int MPleave(int netno); #endif void MD5digest(unsigned char *data, int len, unsigned char *digest); /* ========================================================================= Public variables to be used in applications. */ #ifndef NETMODULE extern char localhostname[]; extern struct CONNECT connblo[]; extern struct NET nets[]; extern struct NETCONF netconf[]; #endif /* ========================================================================= Optional SNMP MIB II definitions. */ struct ifgroup { int ifNumber; }; #ifdef MIB2 struct sysgroup { const char *sysDescr; char *sysContact; char *sysName; char *sysLocation; }; struct IPgroup { int ipForwarding; int ipDefaultTTL; unsigned long ipInReceives; unsigned long ipInHdrErrors; unsigned long ipInAddrErrors; unsigned long ipForwDatagrams; unsigned long ipInUnknownProtos; unsigned long ipInDiscards; unsigned long ipInDelivers; unsigned long ipOutRequests; unsigned long ipOutDiscards; unsigned long ipOutNoRoutes; unsigned long ipRoutingDiscards; int ipReasmTimeout; unsigned long ipReasmReqds; unsigned long ipReasmOKs; unsigned long ipReasmFails; unsigned long ipFragOKs; unsigned long ipFragFails; unsigned long ipFragCreates; }; struct ICMPgroup { unsigned long icmpInMsgs; unsigned long icmpInErrors; unsigned long icmprx[19]; unsigned long icmpOutMsgs; unsigned long icmpOutErrors; unsigned long icmptx[19]; }; struct TCPgroup { int tcpRtoMax; unsigned long tcpActiveOpens; unsigned long tcpPassiveOpens; unsigned long tcpAttemptFails; unsigned long tcpEstabResets; unsigned long tcpCurrEstab; unsigned long tcpInSegs; unsigned long tcpOutSegs; unsigned long tcpRetransSegs; unsigned long tcpInErrs; unsigned long tcpOutRsts; }; struct UDPgroup { unsigned long udpInDatagrams; unsigned long udpNoPorts; unsigned long udpInErrors; unsigned long udpOutDatagrams; }; #endif /******************************/ #define MT 0 /* 0 = no multitasking */ /* 1 = co-operative multitasking */ /* 2 = pre-emptive multitasking */ #define BLOCKPREE() #define RESUMEPREE() #define YIELD() \ { int wnetno; \ for (wnetno=0; wnetno= msec) { \ flag = ETIMEDOUT; \ break; \ } \ } \ } /*** icmp ********************************/ struct ICMPhdr { /* ICMP header format */ char type; /* message type */ char scode; /* status code */ unsigned short chksum; /* checksum */ unsigned NLONG param[6][4 / sizeof(NLONG)]; /* parameters */ }; #define ICMPhdr_SZ 8 /* size of header */ #define IC_EREP 0 /* echo reply */ #define IC_UNRE 3 /* destination unreachable */ #define IC_QUEN 4 /* source quench */ #define IC_REDI 5 /* redirect */ #define IC_ECHO 8 /* echo request */ #define IC_TIMEX 11 /* time exceeded */ #define IC_PARAM 12 /* paramameter unintelligible */ #define IC_TIMEQ 13 /* time query */ #define IC_TIMER 14 /* time reply */ #define IC_INREQ 15 /* information request */ #define IC_INREP 16 /* information reply */ /******************************************************/ #ifndef LHOST_H #define LHOST_H #ifndef FAILURE #define FAILURE -1 #endif #ifndef SUCCESS #define SUCCESS 0 #endif struct ip { struct { unsigned char c[Iid_SZ]; } addr, mask; }; int lhip(char *, struct ip *); void GetSavedIp(struct ip *); /* GetSavedIp() will read the saved IP address & mask from EEPROM. */ #endif /* LHOST_H */ /***************** [08/09/2002]*******************/ extern int bAcceptBroadcast; /* bAcceptBroadcast=1 --> accept the UDP broadcast packet bAcceptBroadcast=0 --> reject the UDP broadcast packet */ /***************** [09/24/2002]*******************/ unsigned GetTcpipLibVer(void); /* return the version number of tcpipL.lib high byte is the major version number low byte is the minor version number for example: version 1.02 will return 0x0102; */ /***************** [10/02/2002]*******************/ void GetTcpipLibDate(char *date); /* return the library release date(in string mode). */ extern long ET_TOUT; /* basic timeout value */ extern long MINTXTOUT; /* minimum transmission timeout. default is 1000 ms(1 second).*/ extern long MAXTXTOUT; /* maximum transmission timeout. default is 60000 ms (60 seconds).*/ extern int RETX_THR_R2; /*re-transmission times, default is 12. 1st timeout = MINTXTOUT 2nd timeout = 1st timeout *2 3rd timeout = 2nd timeout *2 */ /* [2004/08/13] Add */ #define MAX_DNS_NUMBER 2 extern char DnsIp[MAX_DNS_NUMBER][16]; extern int DnsIpNo; void ResetDomainNameServer(void); int AddDomainNameServer(char *ip); extern long DNS_REPLY_TIMEOUT_ms; //[2008/11/13] add, ddefault is 0 extern unsigned DNS_REPLY_TIMEOUT; //[2008/11/13] add,default is 2 extern unsigned DNS_MAX_RETRIES; //[2008/11/13] add, defalut is 5 /* ip must use "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" */ int GetMaxSocketNo(void); /* for 48 sockets version lib will return 48, for 32 sockets version lib will return 32, for 16 sockets version lib will return 16, for 8 sockets version lib will return 8. */ extern long DhcpLeaseTime; /*[2004/11/10] add*/ extern int bUseDhcp; /*[2004/11/10] add*/ void Install_DHCP(void); /* [2004/12/10] add If the program will use the DHCP client function, call the function "Install_DHCP()". By default if the program without call "DHCPget()", the code for DHCP will not be linked into the program. */ /* [2006/08/31] add for Link status & Link speed */ extern unsigned bEthernetLinkOk; extern int Ethernet_LinkSpeed; /* 10 or 100 */ /* [2006/08/31] add for IP filter */ void IpFilter_ClearAll(void); int IpFilter_Add(unsigned char *ip1,unsigned char *ip2); int IpFilter_Delete(unsigned char *ip1,unsigned char *ip2); int IpFilter_DeleteByIdx(int idx); typedef struct { int type; unsigned long ip1,ip2; } IP_FILTER; int IpFilter_GetFilterNumber(void); /* return the defined IP filter number. */ int IpFilter_GetFilter(int no,IP_FILTER *ipf); /* on success return 0, and the filter value is assigned to the buffer pointed by ipf. on fail return -1. */ /* [2007/07/18] Add function for UDP port filter.(only for UDP broadcast packet) can set at max. 10 UDP ports to be acceptted. */ int AddUdpPortFilter(unsigned port); /* return value: 0: success. 1: the port has already in the filter list. -1:the filter list is full. */ int DeleteUdpPortFilter(unsigned port); /* return value: 0: success. -1: the port is not in the filter list. */ /* [2008/01/17] add variable for TCP KEEP ALIVE */ extern unsigned long TcpKeepAliveTime; /* default value is 60000,(for 60 seconds)*/ #define SOCKET_SET_TCP_KEEP_ALIVE_ON(s) connblo[s].txstat |= S_KEEPA #define SOCKET_SET_TCP_KEEP_ALIVE_OFF(s) connblo[s].txstat &= ~S_KEEPA /* [2008/03/07] add */ int NetStart(void); /* NetStart()= { GetSavedIp(&host_ip); lhip("I7188EX", &host_ip); Ninit(); Portinit( "*" ); } */ /*[2009/03/10] add variable for ARP timeout */ extern unsigned long ARP_timeout; /* default value is 60000 (60000 ms=60 secs) set ARP_timeout to 0 will disable the ARP timeout. */ /*[2009/05/27] add variable for the default TCP client tx timeout */ extern long INIT_TXVAR; /* default=3000UL; */ /* [2010/06/07] add functions for mac address filter By default the mac address filter is disabled. If the program only accept the packets come from some mac address, just use the AddMacFilter() to add the mac address into the filter table. After call the AddMacFilter(), only the source mac address is in the filter table will be accepted, others will be filtered. The maximum mac address filter number is 8. */ int AddMacFilter(unsigned char *mac); /* return value: 0: Add mac filter success. 1: the mac address already in the filter table. -1: the filter table is full. */ int DeleteMacFilter(unsigned char *mac); /* return value: 0: delete mac filter success. -1: the mac address did not in the filter table. */ extern long MacWdtTimeout; /* [2012/05/30] */ /* 1. default value is 0L. (disable) 2. When set MacWdtTimeout > 0, if the mac did not receive any packet for the time MacWdtTimeout(milli seconds), the system will be reset by WDT. */ extern long tAutoArpToGateway; /*[2012/05/30] add*/ /* 1.default value is 0L 2.when set tAutoArpToGateway > 0, every tAutoArpToGateway milliseconds will send an ARP packet out.(to get the mac address of the GATEWAY) */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /************************************************/