G-4500 demo program list & introduction using Borland C ĦiGSM_GPRSĦj +---+- | +-SMS demo <-- 2011/11/11 v1.02 | +-TCP client demo <-- 2011/11/11 v1.02 | +-UDP client demo <-- 2011/11/11 v1.02 | +-NITZ demo <-- 2011/11/11 v1.02 ĦiLCDĦj +---+- | +-Display the number, text and BIG-5 Code Set (Traditional Chinese) by the LCD ĦimicroSDĦj +---+- | +-Write a data to SD card, and immediacy read previous data for check ĦiIOĦj +---+- | +-Control DI/O and AI ĦiEthernetĦj +---+-Client Simple Cleint demo using the BSD socket | +-Server Simple Server demo using the BSD socket ĦiGPSĦj +---+- | +-Simple demo using the GPS ĦiDateTimeĦj +---+- | +-Reading the date and time from RTC. (user can set the date and time) ĦiLEDĦj +---+- | +-Switch the Sys LED ON and OFF