Utility for Touch200 in CD: sub-DIR : TOUCH-200 demo program for touch200 connect to I-7188 in CD's sub-DIR:7188DOS\C\DEMO30 RS232 wire connect: Use 3-wire RS232(RX,TX,GND). And at Touch200, Pin 7,8 must short. Touch200 (9 Pin (male)) I-7188(or PC) Pin 2(TX) <----------> RX Pin 3(RX) <----------> TX Pin 5(GND) <----------> GND Pin 7 <--+ Pin 8 <--+ P.S. In PC,9Pin D-Type --> RX(Pin2)¡ATX¡]Pin3¡^¡AGND(Pin5) 25Pin D-Type--> RX(Pin3)¡ATX¡]Pin2¡^¡AGND(Pin7) About write program to use Touch200: 1.Touch200 only can use "Memory Map" mode to connect to I-7188(or PC), cannot use PLC, so in the PLC item please select "Memory Map". 2.Total Memory address are 512 words(0-511).Each word has 16 bits. 3.There 3 method to access Touch200's memory(Use EasyBuilder.exe to program the screens) A.BIT(Write Device select "MB"):nnnh,nnn:0-511,h:0-F(Hex).Addr=16*nnn+h. B.WORD(Write Device select "MW"):0-511 C.LONG WORD(Write Device select "ML")¡G0¡A2¡Ato 510(must be even) 4.Touch200 Use 2 protocal to communication with other RS-232 device(such as I-7188,or PC): A:Write data (in the unit of byte ) B:Force bit ON/OFF described as follow. 5.Write data protocal Send data node receive data node (0) STX ----> <---- ACK if accept or NAK if busy (1) 01H ----> (2) Addr(Low byte) ----> (3) Addr(High byte) ----> (4) # of data byte ----> (5) Data(Low) ----> ¡K (4+#) Data(High) ----> (5+#) DLE ----> (6+#) ETX ----> (7+#) BCC ----> <---- ACK(if data OK) or NAK(if data not OK) (a)STX=02H,ACK=06H,NAK=15H,DLE=10H,ETX=03H (b)if address od data 's value eqgal to DLE, must send DLE two times. (c)BCC=XOR of datas from 01H(item 1) to ETX(item 6+#)(include the duplicate DLE). (d)Addr range:0-511 (e)can send multy bytes.(decide by # of data byte),but max total lengths is 128. 6. Force bit ON/OFF protocal Send data node receive data node (0) STX ----> <---- ACK if accept or NAK if busy (1) 02H ----> (2) Addr(Low byte) ----> (3) Addr(High byte) ----> (4) 1(force bit ON) ----> or 0(force bit OFF) (5) DLE ----> (6) ETX ----> (7) BCC ----> <---- ACK(if data OK) or NAK(if data not OK) (a):STX=02H,ACK=06H,NAK=15H,DLE=10H,ETX=03H (b):if Addr(Low or High) equal DLE must send DLE two times. (c):BCC=XOR of datas from 02H(item 1) to ETX(item 6)(include the duplicate DLE). (d):Addr is bit address,offset nnn's Bit B,„³Addr=nnn*16+B, nnn:0-511,B:0-15. 7.Write data 's demo program --> In file TOUCH7.C "write_to_easyview_1". Force bit ON/OFF 's demo program -->In file TOUCH7.C "write_to_easyview_2". receive node's demoprogram --> In file TOUCH7.C "read_touch7"