
* Power Meter Visual C++6.0 Demo Program
1. What is it?
A simple program to read/write ICPDAS power meter.
This program use CModbus source code to implement modbus protocol.
2. What is CModbus?
CModbus is a free Windows Modbus Master project.
Free to download its  Visual C++ 6.0 Source Code, Executables and Documentation.
More information at the CModbus project web site http://mbserver.tripod.com/index.htm
3. Before your first compiler this program!
(1). Download [ modsrc02.zip ] file from http://mbserver.tripod.com/index.htm
(2). Decompress [ modsrc02.zip ] file, then you will see the [ utilclasses ] folder.
(3). Copy the [ utilclasses ] folder.
(4). Paste to the location that is the same layer with the [ Power Meter program ] folder.
(5). Now you can open [ mfcApp.dsw ] demo program project, and compiler it.
4. Modify CModbus CRC Error! (Optional)
When use the read/write register command of CModbus, it probably get a "CRC ERROR".
Because CModbus receive the return data form a modbus slave device just once. 
If modbus master (ex: your programm) can't receive all return datas at a time, "CRC ERROR" will happen!  
Modify CModbus "CRC Error" is optional ,not nessary.
Do the changes listed below to avoid "CRC ERROR":
(1). Open the "include\LocalModbus.h" and "scr\LocalModbus.cpp" file.
(2). Add one parameter "fullLengthResponse" in function ReadResponseRTU().
   BOOL ReadResponseRTU(CByteArray& abyResponse,     //Modbus Response with crc
DWORD& dwRead,             //Real Number of bytes read from serial port
WORD fullLengthResponse); //Total Number of bytes should read from serial port 
    BOOL CLocalModbus::ReadResponseRTU(CByteArray& abyResponse,//bytes read 
                                                                                    DWORD& dwRead, //Real Number of bytes read from serial port
                                                                                    WORD fullLengthResponse){ //Total Number of bytes should read from serial port
(3). In function CLocalModbus::ReadResponseRTU(go to the Line 932 at LocalModbus.cpp).
   Use the following codes in blue color to add at Line 945:
   iRespMaxSize = abyResponse.GetSize();   
   DWORD  dwTimeOut = 0;
   WORD wError;
   dwTimeOut = ::timeGetTime() + m_lTimeOut;
(4). In function CLocalModbus::ReadResponseRTU(go to the Line 932 at LocalModbus.cpp).
   Use the following codes instead of the original codes at Line 960 to 990, or add the folloing codes in blue color : 
  if (INITIAL_READ==dwNumberOfBytesRead) {
  if (dwRead>DWORD(iRespMaxSize-INITIAL_READ)) {
  return FALSE;
  fullLengthResponse = fullLengthResponse + 2; // CRC has 2 bytes
if( !::ReadFile(m_hComHandle,&abyResponse[dwRead],(iRespMaxSize-INITIAL_READ),&dwNumberOfBytesRead,NULL) ) 
{        //read one charcter 
if (::ClearCommError(m_hComHandle,&dwErrors,&cstStatus))
TRACE("ReadFile Errors 0x=%xd",dwErrors); }
TRACE(" ClearCommError Failed reading"); }
return (FALSE);
dwRead = dwRead+dwNumberOfBytesRead;
//if no data to receive,or baudrate/stopbit changed
if( dwTimeOut<::timeGetTime() )
break; // break do-while
  }while(dwRead < fullLengthResponse);
(5). In function CLocalModbus::TxRxMessage(), to use ReadResponseRTU like that:
   ReadResponseRTU(m_abyBuffer, dwNumberOfBytesRead, wLengthResponse)
   The "wLengthResponse" is a variance already declared in function TxRxMessage().
    if (!ReadResponseRTU(m_abyBuffer, dwNumberOfBytesRead, wLengthResponse))
       TRACE("ReadResponse Failed");
       goto TxRxError;
(6). Compiler the program project again!