Modified Notes XPacSDK for XPAC-WINCE6

March 18, 2011


This is a library modified note of the XPAC-WINCE6 for the C/C++ development.

[ 03-18-2011 ]
[Version 2.0.0 .7]

·  Fix a bug that "pac_GetModuleName" cannot detect some module.

· Add detect module (I-8211W, I-8212W, I-8213W, I-8135W, I-8046W and 8093W)

[ 02-11-2011 ]
[Version 2.0.0 .6]

·  Fix a bug that "callback_func_list[slot] = NULL" called on pac_UnregisterSlotInterrupt causes the memory leakage

·  Fix pac_GetModuleType bug


·  Add  _pac_get_CPUtype function

·  Modified pac_EnableLED function - supported for LX800 and ATOM

·  Modified pac_GetRotaryID function - supported for LX800 and ATOM

·  Modified pac_EnableWatchDog function  - Supported for LX800 and ATOM

·  Update pac_GetBatteryLevel function - Add mode 3 to get RTC battery level (Only for ATOM)


·  Add _pac_inpw/_pac_outpw functions


·  Add uart_GetDataSize/uart_GetLineStatus/uart_SetLineStatus/uart_GetOutputLineStatus  functions

·  Modified uart_Read/uart_BinSendCmd/uart_BinSend/uart_ReadEx

·  Modified pub_show_rs() on rotaryswitch

·  Add pac_EnableLED for XPAC-ATOM


  • Modified pac_SetSlotInterruptPriority


  • Modify pac_GetModuleName to support I-8120 module.


  • Fixed uart_Read's problem, receving data has an extra byte.


  • Modify uart_EnableCheckSumcheck
  • Modify uart_Read
  • Add an error define, PAC_ERR_SPECIAL_IO


  • pac_GetModuleName supported 8088 and 8084 modules.


  • Fixed the function, pac_GetSlotCount.


  • Modified define of WDT and EEPROM/SRAM of XPacSDK_CE to synchronize with XPacSDK


  • Modified parameter of pac_WideToAnsiString(LPCTSTR wstr, LPSTR astr);
  • Modified parameter of pac_AnsiToWideString(LPCSTR astr, LPTSTR wstr);


  • Fixed return error of pac_WriteDOBit during using 8K modules


  • Renamed pac_WindStringToAnsi to pac_WideToAnsiString


  • Added get OS version API, pac_GetOSVersion
  • Modified pac_Reboot


  • Fixed bugs of interrupt by adding delay after pac_RegisterSlotInterrupt finished
  • Added _pac_us_delay


  • Fixed bugs of pac_GetErrorMessage
  • Added pac_Reboot


  • Fixed a bug of pac_GetBatteryLevel
  • Fixed a bug of pac_EnableWatchDog(0xd80a) cannot reboot


  • Fixed pac_GetModuleName


  • Fixed uart_SendCmd/uart_Send
  • Added pac_GetMacAddress
  • Added pac_GetModuleType
  • Added pac_GetModuleName
  • Added pac_GetBatteryLevel
  • Added pac_GetErrorMessage
  • Fixed hash_map


  • Enlarge ReadAIAll/ReadAIAllHex buffer
  • Fixed bug of 8063 4DI
  • Fixed buf 8060W 6 channel


  • Fixed pac_InterruptDone
  • Fixed Callback function, true ==> auto call pac_InterruptDone


  • Fixed bug of self tuner
  • Added Windows XP-like Sample Skin
  • Added Network user interface
  • Added Silent FAT File System UI
  • Added Storage Manager Control Panel Applet


  • Memory Access......ok
  • WatchDog......ok
  • System Information......ok
  • Backpland......ok


  • Basic Inport/Outport......ok
  • Uart......ok
  • Local IO......ok