IxWDT/IxPCI/IxPIO Linux Driver Package ChangeLog OverView These changelogs reflect the history of all files. [22-Jul-2019] 1.The ixpci.tar.gz package version is 0.8.15 -> Support to Linux Kernel 4.15.0 [6-Jun-2019] 1.The ixpio.tar.gz package version is 0.23.0 ->Support to Linux Kernel 4.15.0 ->Support PIO-D48 lib [10-Apr-2017] 1.The ixpci.tar.gz package version is 0.8.14 ->Support PCI-FC16U card. [21-Sep-2015] 1.The ixpci.tar.gz package version is 0.8.13 ->Update Manual PCI-P16R16 [10-Aug-2015] 1.The ixpci.tar.gz package version is 0.8.12 ->Add PCI-1602 demo. ->Add lib function PCI_1602_AdsPolling(). [1-Jul-2015] 1.The ixpci.tar.gz package version is 0.8.11 ->Support to Linux kernel 4.0.0 ->Fix warning in Ubuntu. [24-Jun-2015] 1.The ixpio.tar.gz package version is 0.22.9 ->Support to Linux kernel 4.0.0 ->To modify encoder600 lib. [15-Apr-2015] 1.The ixpio.tar.gz package version is 0.22.8 ->Fix lib header file to Compatibility c++. ->Fix function PIODA16_Digital_Output() to support DO channel 9~16. ->Fix warning in Ubuntu. ->Sopport to Ubuntu 14.04 OS. [8-Apr-2015] 1.The ixpio.tar.gz package version is 0.22.7 ->Modify driver pioda16.c DI register. ->Add pioda16 demo "card_id.c" to read card id. [11-Nov-2014] 1.The ixpci.tar.gz package version is 0.8.10 ->Give support to Linux Kernel 3.16.0 2.The ixpio.tar.gz package version is 0.22.6 ->Give support to Linux Kernel 3.16.0 [13-Aug-2014] 1.The ixpio.tar.gz package version is 0.22.4 ->Support IxPIO lib for 32bit OS and 64bit OS [8-Aug-2014] 1.The ixpci.tar.gz package version is 0.8.9 ->Support IxPCI lib for 32bit OS and 64bit OS [12-Mar-2014] 1.The ixpio.tar.gz package version is 0.22.3. ->Support IxPIO driver module auto install. [25-Feb-2014] 1.The ixpci.tar.gz package version is 0.8.8. ->Support IxPCI driver module auto install. ->remove PISO-CAN200/400 serial card for IxPCI driver. [6-Dec-2013] 1. The ixpio.tar.gz package version is 0.22.2. ->Give support to Linux Kernel 3.12.0 2. The ixpci.tar.gz package version is 0.8.7. ->Give support to Linux Kernel 3.12.0 [1-Nov-2013] 1. The ixpci.tar.gz package version is 0.8.6. ->Give support to PCI-822. [30-Oct-2013] 1. The ixpci.tar.gz package version is 0.8.5. ->Give support to PCI-826. [2-Jul-2013] 1. The ixpio.tar.gz package version is 0.22.1. ->To modify ixpio.inst let PIO-D144 support Ubuntu Linux. [8-May-2013] 1. The ixpio.tar.gz package version is 0.22.0. ->Give support to Linux Kernel 3.8.2 [12-Mar-2013] 1. The ixpci.tar.gz package version is 0.8.4. ->Give support to Linux Kernel 3.8.2. [5-Dec-2012] 1. The ixpci.tar.gz package version is 0.8.3. ->To update driver and demo for PCI-TMC12A. [29-Oct-2012] 1. The ixio.tar.gz package version is 0.21.1. ->Give support to the PEX-P16R16i. [18-Jan-2012] 1. The ixpci.tar.gz package version is 0.8.0. ->To fix the value of "_AD_MASK", "_DA1_MASK" and "_DA2_MASK" for PCI-1602. [16-Jan-2012] 1. The ixpio.tar.gz package version is 0.21.0. ->Give support to Linux Kernel 3.x.x. 2. The ixpci.tar.gz package version is 0.8.0. ->Give support to Linux Kernel 3.x.x. 3. The ixwdt.tar.gz package version is 0.0.0.