10 '------------------------------------------------ 20 ' Example 4: use of TRANSMIT 30 '------------------------------------------------ 42 DEF SEG=0 ' find IEEE interface code memory location 43 IEEE=PEEK(&H182)+256*PEEK(&H183) 44 IF IEEE=0 THEN PRINT "BASIC488 not installed" : STOP 45 DEF SEG=IEEE 50 INITIALIZE=0 : TRANSMIT=3 60 MY.ADDRESS%=21 : LEVEL%=0 70 CALL INITIALIZE(MY.ADDRESS%,LEVEL%) 80 ' 90 ' Now, send a trigger to three devices at addresses 100 ' 2,4, and 5, using the LISTEN and GET (group execute 110 ' trigger) commands. 120 ' 130 CMD$="REN UNL LISTEN 2 4 5 GET" 140 CALL TRANSMIT(CMD$,STATUS%) 150 IF STATUS%<>0 THEN STOP 160 END