/* Program : XF_BIO.C 96/06/24 By Albert Chang. Description : This program sends a value to C25 processor board and receives from C25. XF and BIO are used as the handshake signals. When PC sends a value, BIO is clear. After C25 has received, XF is set. |------| BIO |------| | |--------->| | | PC | XF | C25 | | |<---------| | |------| |------| Note : 1. This file is compiled under Turbo C 2.0 and will also work under Turbo C++ 3.0 2. To run the handshake file,user can type as following: C:\DSPC25> load -la -r1000 xf_bio.out C:\DSPC25> xf_bio.exe */ #include #include #include "..\..\..\include\dsp25.h" main() { unsigned int val_i,val_o=0; SelectBoard(1); do { WrData(val_o); ClearBIO(); while(Is_XF()==NO); SetBIO(); val_i = RdData(); printf("%04x\t",val_i); val_o++; } while(kbhit()==0); getch(); }