List of files installed ----------------------- This file lists files and subdirectories in WinMerge install folder. Note files installed depends on Windows version and selections done in installer. Some files are also only available in zip-files. Root directory: Contributors.txt - list of people contributing to WinMerge libexpat.dll - library file for XML parser MergeLang.dll - helper library file for WinMerge translations pcre.dll - library file for regular expressions ReadMe.txt - Important information about WinMerge Register.bat - batch file for installing ShellExtension to system ShellExtension.dll - ansi version of Shell integrarion dll ShellExtensionU.dll - Unicode version of Shell integration dll ShellExtensionX64.dll - 64-bit version of Shell integration dll UnRegister.bat - batch file to uninstalling ShellExtension from system WinMerge.exe - ANSI version of WinMerge WinMergeU.exe - Unicode version of WinMerge Docs folder: ChangeLog.txt - WinMerge change log ReleaseNotes.html - Release information, known issues information WinMerge.chm: - WinMerge manual in HTML help- format Filters folder: - Filter files installed with WinMerge Languages folder: - WinMerge translation files MergePlugins folder: - Plugins installed with WinMerge