WinMerge 2.12.4 Release Notes

June 2009

About This Release

This is a WinMerge 2.12.4 stable release. This release replaces earlier WinMerge stable releases as a recommended release.

Please submit bug reports to our bug-tracker.

What Is New in 2.12.4?

WinMerge 2.12.4 is an bug-fix release fixing few important bugs found from the 2.12.2 release. For a complete changelog history, see the ChangeLog.txt file located in the Docs folder under the WinMerge program folder.

Bugs fixed

What Is New in 2.12.2?

WinMerge 2.12.2 is an bug-fix release fixing couple of important bugs found from the 2.12.0 release. For a complete changelog history, see the ChangeLog.txt file located in the Docs folder under the WinMerge program folder.

Bugs fixed

Translation updates

What Is New in 2.12.0?

WinMerge 2.12 is an important update to WinMerge. There are lots of improvements and bug fixes since 2.10.4 stable release.

2.12.0 stable release has only couple of changes after beta release. See the 2.12 beta release changes below for more complete change list in this release.


Bugs fixed

Translation updates

What Is New in 2.11.2 beta?

WinMerge 2.11.x adds couple of long awaited features. Overall WinMerge 2.11.x will be important improvement for some use cases.

Tree-view for folder compare

WinMerge can now show folder compare results in a tree-style view. This is much improved way to show result compared to old flat result view. Subfolders in tree-view can be made visible and hidden like in Windows Explorer. The tree-style is only available when subfolders are included to the comparison.

Include items in unique folders in compare results

If subfolders are included to the compare all unique subfolders and files in them are now visible in compare results. In earlier versions WinMerge only shows the top-level unique folder. This means one can copy subfolders and files inside unique folders to another side and proper folder structure is created in the target side.

General compare result statuses

When WinMerge cannot determine if file is text- or binary-file it now shows the compare status with general statuses. Earlier WinMerge versions showed such files as text files. This is important since e.g. file size/time -based compare methods cannot know if file is binary- or text-file.

More accurate location pane

Location pane now shows missing lines more accurately. Also the visible area indicator positioning matches better reality.

Re-load files changed in disk behind WinMerge

WinMerge now finally can re-load files that have been changed in the disk after WinMerge loaded them. This is remarkable usability improvement since earlier versions required user to close current files and open them again.

Other changes

Important bug fixes

Known Issues