SYSTEMINITVERSION4.0LOCAL SHAREFALSEMINBUFSIZE128MAXBUFSIZE2048LANGDRIVERDBWINUS0MAXFILEHANDLES48SYSFLAGS0LOW MEMORY USAGE LIMIT32AUTO ODBCFALSEDEFAULT DRIVERPARADOXSQLQRYMODEMEMSIZE16SHAREDMEMSIZE2048SHAREDMEMLOCATIONDATA REPOSITORYMTS POOLINGFALSEFORMATSDATESEPARATOR/MODE0FOURDIGITYEARFALSEYEARBIASEDTRUELEADINGZEROMFALSELEADINGZERODFALSETIMETWELVEHOURTRUEAMSTRINGAMPMSTRINGPMSECONDSTRUEMILSECONDSFALSENUMBERDECIMALSEPARATOR.THOUSANDSEPARATOR,DECIMALDIGITS2LEADINGZERONTRUEDRIVERSPARADOXINITVERSION4.0TYPEFILELANGDRIVERDBWINUS0TABLE CREATELEVEL7BLOCK SIZE2048FILL FACTOR95STRICTINTEGRTYTRUEDBASEINITVERSION4.0TYPEFILELANGDRIVERDBWINUS0TABLE CREATELEVEL7MDX BLOCK SIZE1024MEMO FILE BLOCK SIZE1024FOXPROINITVERSION4.0TYPEFILELANGDRIVERDBWINUS0TABLE CREATELEVEL25MSACCESSINITVERSION1.0TYPESERVERDLL32IDDAO32.DLLDRIVER FLAGSTRACE MODE0DB OPENDATABASE NAMEDRIVE:/PATH/DATABASE.MDBUSER NAMEOPEN MODEREAD/WRITELANGDRIVERSYSTEM DATABASEINFORMIXINITVERSION4.0TYPESERVERDLL32SQLINF32.DLLDRIVER FLAGSTRACE MODE0DB OPENSERVER NAMEINF_SERVERDATABASE NAMEMY_DATABASEUSER NAMEMYNAMEOPEN MODEREAD/WRITESCHEMA CACHE SIZE8LANGDRIVERSQLQRYMODESQLPASSTHRU MODESHARED AUTOCOMMITLOCK MODE5DATE MODE0DATE SEPARATOR/SCHEMA CACHE TIME-1MAX ROWS-1BATCH COUNT200ENABLE SCHEMA CACHEFALSESCHEMA CACHE DIRENABLE BCDFALSELIST SYNONYMSNONEDBNLSCOLLCHARBLOBS TO CACHE64BLOB SIZE32REPOSITORIESDATABASESHELPSYSTEMNODEHELPBorland Database Engine ConfigurationINITNODEHELPBorland Database Engine System Initialization OptionsVERSIONBorland Database Engine version number. For internal use only.LOCAL SHARESpecifies whether or not to lock files that may be shared with local non-IDAPI applications.MINBUFSIZEMinimum memory for database data cache, in kilobytesMAXBUFSIZEMaximum memory for database data cache, in kilobytesLANGDRIVERDefault system language driver.NET TYPENetwork type.SYSFLAGSReserved setting. For internal use only.MAXFILEHANDLESMaximum number of file handles the Borland Database Engine can use.LOW MEMORY USAGE LIMITLimit of Low Memory the Borland Database Engine will attempt to use, in kilobytes.AUTO ODBCAutomatic creation of ODBC aliases and drivers.DEFAULT DRIVERDriver tried first when alias TYPE is FILE and the table name has no extension.SQLQRYMODEMethod for handling queries to SQL data.SHAREDMEMSIZEShared memory size, in kilobytesSHAREDMEMLOCATIONLocation of shared memoryFORMATSNODEHELPSystem wide International data formatsDATENODEHELPDate formatsSEPARATORCharacter used to separate month, day, and year.MODEOrder in which date components appear (i.e., M/D/Y).FOURDIGITYEARSpecifies whether or not years are expressed in four digits (i.e., 1991).YEARBIASEDSpecifies whether or not the application adds 1900 to years entered as two digits (i.e., 91 -> 1991).LEADINGZEROMSpecifies whether or not the application adds a zero to months entered as a single digit (i.e., 3 -> 03).LEADINGZERODSpecifies whether or not the application adds a zero to days entered as a single digit (i.e., 8 -> 08).TIMENODEHELPTime formatsTWELVEHOURSpecifies whether or not the application expresses time on a 12-hour clock (i.e., 16:42 -> 4:42 PM).AMSTRINGString of characters used to indicate morning times (before noon) if TWELVEHOUR is TRUE.PMSTRINGString of characters used to indicate afternoon times if TWELVEHOUR is TRUE.SECONDSSpecifies whether or not time values include seconds.MILSECONDSSpecifies whether or not time values include milliseconds.NUMBERNODEHELPNumber formatsDECIMALSEPARATORCharacter used to separate the decimal portion of a number (i.e., the "." in 2.087).THOUSANDSEPARATORCharacter used to separate large numbers into thousands (i.e., the "," in 1,000).DECIMALDIGITSMaximum number of decimal places used when converting strings to numbers.LEADINGZERONSpecifies whether or not numbers between 1 and -1 use leading zeroes (i.e., .14 or 0.14).DRIVERSNODEHELPBorland Database Engine Drivers ConfigurationPARADOXNODEHELPParadox Driver ConfigurationINITNODEHELPParadox Driver InitializationVERSIONParadox driver version number. For internal use only.TYPEType of server to which the driver is connecting. For internal use only.NET DIRLocation of the application's network control file (PDOXUSRS.NET).LANGDRIVERLanguage driver used for creating tables, sorting, collating sequences, etc...TABLE CREATENODEHELPParadox Table create defaultsLEVELFormat in which Paradox tables will be created.BLOCK SIZESize of disk blocks used to store Paradox table records.FILL FACTORPercentage of current block which must be filled before another disk block is allocated for index files.STRICTINTEGRTYSpecifies whether Paradox tables can be modified using applications that do not support referential integrity.DBASENODEHELPdBASE Driver ConfigurationINITNODEHELPdBASE Driver InitializationVERSIONdBASE driver version number. For internal use only.TYPEType of server to which the driver is connecting. For internal use only.LANGDRIVERLanguage driver used for creating tables, sorting, collating sequences, etc...TABLE CREATENODEHELPdBASE Table create defaultsLEVELFormat in which dBASE tables will be created.MDX BLOCK SIZESize of disk blocks allocated for .MDX files, in bytes.MEMO FILE BLOCK SIZESize of disk blocks allocated for .DBT (memo) files, in bytes.INFORMIXNODEHELPInformix Driver ConfigurationINITNODEHELPInformix Driver InitializationVERSIONInformix driver version number. For internal use only.TYPEType of server to which the driver is connecting. For internal use only. DLL32SQL Link dynamic link library name. For internal use only.DRIVER FLAGSInternal product-specific flag. Do not modify.TRACE MODEEnable SQL tracingDB OPENNODEHELPInformix Database Open defaultsSERVER NAMEName of the target Informix server.DATABASE NAMEName of the target Informix database.USER NAMEDefault user name for accessing the Informix server.OPEN MODEMode in which SQL Link opens the Informix database.SCHEMA CACHE SIZENumber of SQL tables whose schema information will be cached.LANGDRIVERDatabase language driver used to display SQL data.SQLQRYMODEMethod for handling queries to SQL data. SQLPASSTHRU MODEMethod for sharing a connection between pass-through SQL commands and desktop commands. LOCK MODEDefines how the server handles a process that tries to access a locked row or table.DATE MODEOrder in which date components appear (i.e., M/D/Y).DATE SEPARATORCharacter used to separate month, day, and year.SCHEMA CACHE TIMETimeout (in seconds) for cached schema listsMAX ROWSMaximum number of rows to be fetched from the server.BATCH COUNTBatch move modification count before auto-commit.ENABLE SCHEMA CACHEEnable persistent schema cache.SCHEMA CACHE DIRPersistent schema cache storage directory.