InduSoft Web Studio is a powerfull HMI, SCADA and OEE/Dashboard Development environment designed for easy configuration of industry specific applications. It empowers you to build data-driven applications to run your most important processes. Deliver critical information to the user who needs it most in a manner that is easiest for him to receive the information.
This DVD provides the following resources: |
InduSoft v8.1 + SP3 + P0 Installation: Setup for InduSoft Web Studio v8.1, ICP DAS DCON/CAN bundled driver, and for the InduSoft Thin Client components. You can also read the Release Notes before installing the product. |
Documentation: Manuals, Technical Notes, and Application Notes provide a wealthy source of technical information about ICP DAS products and InduSoft Web Studio. |
Examples: Extensive library of projects designed to demonstrate specific features of the InduSoft and integration of ICP DAS products, as well as the configuration of many communication drivers installed along with InduSoft Web Studio. |
Presentations: Powerpoint presentations provide an overview of the company and the product. |
ICP DAS Drivers & Utilities: Drivers and Utility Tools for those user use ICP DAS produts |
Thank you for using InduSoft Web Studio! |