IxVCOM - Linux Virtual COM Package for PDS/7188En series. 1. Introduction The purpose of this driver is to map PDS/7188En serial port to host tty port. Using the driver, you can use remote serial port as local tty port. 2. System Requirement Linux kernel 2.6.25 ~ 3.11.x [1]gcc-4.4.2 or above [2]libc.so-6 or above [3]binutils-2.19.0 or above [4]make-3.81 or above 3. Install Linux VxComm Driver [1]The root privilege is required when installing or removing these kernel modules. [2]go to your project directory with rw privilege. [3]extract package into current directory. tar -zxvf ixvcom.tar.gz [4]Configure to create proper Makefiles. ./configure [5]make to build all. make [6]Install/Uninstall Script ./ixvcom.inst loads "ixvcom" modules and "ixvcomd.cf" file automatically. Script ./ixvcom.remove removes the loaded "ixvcom" modules and "ixvcomd.cf" file. 4. Mapping/Removing TTY Ports [1]Use tool "addserver" to map tty ports automatically ./addserver [Device IP] [Total Ports] (ex device PDS-782 "./addserver 8") [2]Use tool "delserver" to remove tty ports automatically ./delserver [Device IP] About detail information, please refer to the manual "VxComm_Linux_User's_Manual_v1.0.pdf".