/****************************************/ /* For GW-7557 */ /****************************************/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.0[31/12/2011] by Ryan ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version 1.1[22/01/2019] by Jimmy 1. Modify GSD file to version v1.1 2. New add "auto scan and config function".(Don't need to use Utility) 3. New add watchdog function. 4. Module parameter length is added one byte.(Now the total length is 3 bytes) 5. Adjustment and modify: a.The method of reading module configurations. b.The mechanism of GW-7557 setting next cycle of polling modules. c.Judge the range of module length. d.Remove the function of checking EEPROM of HART information. e.Increase the size of "fifo.Recover" array. 6. Fixed bug: a.If GW-7557 receives a correct response, it will clear all diagnostic messages. b.GW-7557 can't monitor burst frame. c.If GW-7557 sends commands manually in the end of the cycle of polling modules, GW-7557 can't send manual commands immediately next time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------