***************************** May-20-2008 New Release ***************************** [Ver 1.03 2010-09-17] 1. Fix the function "AddNode" timeout problem. [Ver 1.02 2010-01-25] 1. Fix the crash problem of "SetEventTimer" function. 2. Increase proformance, even if the CAN bus is busy, it still can keep the low CPU loading. 3. Support PISO-CPM100 and PISO-CPM100U 4. CPM.DLL version update to 1.01 ************************************************************************************ [Ver 1.01 2009-10-06] 1. Fix the receive problem of "AddNode", "ChangePDOCobID", and "COBIDInfo" function 2. Fix the proformance problem of "AddNode" function. ************************************************************************************ [Ver 1.00 2008-05-20] New Release