***************************** May-20-2008 New Release ***************************** [Ver 2.06 2016-07-11] 1. Fix Problem: SDO can't be use in Motion Lib IP_Mode. 2. Increase driver performance. 3. Support Motion Library (CPMotor.dll v2.0.1.2) 4. PC driver CPM100U.DLL version update to 5. Firmware CPM10205.EXE version update to 2.05. ************************************************************************************ [Ver 2.05 2015-12-02] 1. Max SYNC Group Message increased to 32 (for CPM100_SyncGroupCycUpdata and CPM100_SyncGroupCycSend). 2. When Parameter TotalCycle of CPM100_SyncGroupCycSend is 0 (means send sync unlimited), the CPM100U will auto send the last sync group messages in the (CPM100_SyncGroupCycUpdata) update buffer befor new group messages been added. 3. Support Motion Library (CPMotor.dll v2.0.1.0) 4. PC driver CPM100U.DLL version update to 2.06. 5. Firmware CPM10204.EXE version update to 2.04. ************************************************************************************ [Ver 2.04 2015-08-06] 1. New functions: CPM100_SyncGroupCycUpdata, CPM100_SyncGroupCycSend, CPM100_SyncGroupClear, CPM100_GetSYNCGroupStopState, CPM100_InstallSYNCGroupISR, CPM100_RemoveSYNCGroupISR 2. Support Motion Library (CPMotor.dll v2.0) 3. PC driver CPM100U.DLL version update to 2.05. 4. Firmware CPM10203.EXE version update to 2.03. ************************************************************************************ [Ver 2.03 2013-10-18] 1. Support Win7-32 an 64 bit driver. 2. CPMUtility version update to 2.20. ************************************************************************************ [Ver 2.02 2013-01-28] 1. New functions: CPM100_RemoveAndResetNode, CPM100_DelayAndResponseTimeout, CPM100_PDOWrite_Fast, CPM100_PDORemote_Fast, CPM100_GetPDOLastData_Fast, CPM100_GetMultiPDOData_Fast, CPM100_PDOInhibitTime, CPM100_GetBootUpNodeAfterAdd, CPM100_InstallBootUpISR 2. Increase CPM100U driver efficacy. 3. PC driver CPM100U.DLL version update to 2.04. 4. Firmware CPM10202.EXE version update to 2.02. 5. CPMUtility version update to 2.12. ************************************************************************************ [Ver 2.01 2011-03-09] 1. New version release, and incompatible with before version. 2. Support EDS File. 3. Support Heartbear Consumer Protocol. 4. Provide Non-block function. 5. Support master listen mode. 6. Allow the automatic adding the node while it boots up. 7. Allow to get several PDO data simultaneously. 8. PC driver CPM100U.DLL version update to 2.01. 9. Firmware CPM10201.EXE version update to 2.01. 10. CPMUtility version update to 2.00. ************************************************************************************ [Ver 1.03 2010-09-17] 1. Fix the function "AddNode" timeout problem. ************************************************************************************ [Ver 1.02 2010-01-25] 1. Fix the crash problem of "SetEventTimer" function. 2. Increase proformance, even if the CAN bus is busy, it still can keep the low CPU loading. 3. Support PISO-CPM100 and PISO-CPM100U 4. CPM.DLL version update to 1.01 ************************************************************************************ [Ver 1.01 2009-10-06] 1. Fix the receive problem of "AddNode", "ChangePDOCobID", and "COBIDInfo" function 2. Fix the proformance problem of "AddNode" function. ************************************************************************************ [Ver 1.00 2008-05-20] New Release