*********************************************************************** PISO-CM100 Development Toolkit for Windows 10 x64 Version : 2.10 Update : 2019/04/18 Support : PISO-CM100, PISO-DNM100, PISO-CPM100, PISO-CM100U, PISO-DNM100U, PISO-CPM100U, PCM-CM100, PCM-DNM100 and PCM-CPM100 For WINDOWS 10 x64 OS. ************************************************************************ A). After installed, the sub-directory tree as follows: The default [Base Directory] is "\ICPDAS\PISO-CM100". [Base Directory] <-- the directory you selected to setup | +--\Demos <-- Demo Programs | | | +--\For_Default_Firmware <-- Demos for using default firmware | | | | | | +--\x86 | | | | | | | +--\BCB <-- Demos for Borland C++ Builder | | | | +--\Library <-- Libraries for BCB | | | | +--\ReceiveMsg <-- Receive CAN messages | | | | +--\TransmitMsg <-- Transmit CAN messages | | | | +--\TransmitMsgCyclically <-- Using cyclic transmission engin to transmit CAN messages | | | | | | | +--\VC++ <-- Demos for Microsoft Visual C++ | | | | +--\Library <-- Libraries for VC++ | | | | +--\ReceiveMsg <-- Receive CAN messages | | | | +--\TransmitMsg <-- Transmit CAN messages | | | | +--\TransmitMsgCyclically <-- Using cyclic transmission engin to transmit CAN messages | | | | | | | +--\VB <-- Demos for Microsoft Visual Basic | | | | +--\Module <-- Libraries for VB | | | | +--\ReceiveMsg <-- Receive CAN messages | | | | +--\TransmitMsg <-- Transmit CAN messages | | | | +--\TransmitMsgCyclically <-- Using cyclic transmission engin to transmit CAN messages | | | | | | | +--\C#.Net_2008 | | | | +--\Library <-- Linking Libraries for C# | | | | +--\ReceiveMsg <-- Receive CAN messages | | | | +--\TransmitMsg <-- Transmit CAN messages | | | | | | | +--\Default_Firmware <--FOR default firmware copies | | | | | +--\x64 | | | | | +--\C#.Net_2008 | | +--\Library <-- Linking Libraries for C# | | +--\ReceiveMsg <-- Receive CAN messages | | +--\TransmitMsg <-- Transmit CAN messages | | | | | +--\For_User_Defined_Firmware <-- Demos for using user-defined firmware | | | +--\Library <-- Library for BC/BC++/TC/TC++ | +--\RxMsg <-- Receive CAN messages by using TC++ 1.01 | +--\TxMsg <-- Transmit CAN messages by using TC++ 1.01 | +--\Driver <-- driver files | +--CANUtility.exe <-- PISO-CM100 utility tool +--CM100_DEBUG_MONITOR <-- PISO-CM100 debug tool +--WhatNew.TXT <-- What's New. +--README.TXT <-- this file. B). After installed, the following links will be add into the "Start Menu" if default path is selected. [Start] <-- the Start menu +--\Programs +--\ICPDAS +--\PISO-CM100 <-- link to the "PISO-CM100" folder Note: These manuals are PDF format. In order to view these manuals, users can free download the Adobe Arcobat Reader and install it at http://www.adobe.com/prodindex/acrobat/readstep.html Note: If users use Windows NT operation system, CANUtility may be not executed well. Therefore, users need to copy mfc42.dll to the folder which has CANUtility.exe inside. The mfc42.dll can be found in thd installation folder with the path "driver\NT". The mfc42.dll may be hiden by system. Users need to enable the function to show all files in the folder configuration.