If users want to update the OS image of uPAC-7186EXD-CAN, please follow the steps below. 1. Power off the uPAC-7186EXD-CAN. 2. Wire the Pin *Init and Pin GND of uPAC-7186EXD-CAN. 3. Connect the PC available COM port with the COM1 of uPAC-7186EXD-CAN by using the three-line RS-232 cable. Users can see this black cable in the product box. 4. Power On the uPAC-7186EXD-CAN. 5. Modify the first line of 7188xw.ini file as follows if users use the PC COM1. C1 B115200 P0 D8 S1 Or if users use the PC COM2, the first line of 7188xw.ini will shown below. C2 B115200 P0 D8 S1 6. Un-zip the OSimage zip file and copy the OS image file and 7188xw.exe into other folder. Therefore, you will see these files, 7188xw.exe, 7188xw.ini, OS image file and 7188xw.F4 in the same folder. 7. Double click the 7188XW.exe, and press Enter key. If any hint is shown, it is successful that your PC connect to the the uPAC-7186EXD-CAN. 8. Press F4 key, then the 7188XW.exe will update the OS image automatically.