Demo List Information |--AC_AM | :Demo how to use the AccCode and AccMask in the CAN 2.0A specification. |--DUAL_F | :Demo how to use the AccCode and AccMask to set dual filter in the CAN 2.0A specification. |--All_Demo | :Demo the total functions provided by the XC100L.lib. |--L1_L2_L3 | :Demo how to use the L1, L2, and L3 LEDs. |--RxInt | :Demo how to receive the CAN 2.0A messages by interrupt mode. |--RxPoll | :Demo how to receive the CAN 2.0A messages by polling mode. |--SearchCANBaud | :Demo how to scan the CAN baudrate. |--TxInt | :Demo how to send the CAN 2.0A messages to the CAN network by interrupt mode. |--TxPoll | :Demo how to send the CAN 2.0A messages to the CAN network by polling mode. |--UserInt | :Demo how to use the UserCANInt function to apply the users' CAN interrupt service routine. |--SCH_Baud | :Demo how to search the necessary CAN bus baud rate.