using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; ///I-8172W version, 2011/07/05 ///I-8172W version, 2011/07/19 ///Remove extra [DllImport("pac_i8172W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8172W_WriteDOGroup")] namespace pac8172WNet { public class pac8172W { private class ICPDAS { // function for I-8172 [DllImport("pac_i8172W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8172W_GetLibVersion")] public static extern Int16 pac_i8172W_GetLibVersion(); [DllImport("pac_i8172W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8172W_GetLibDate")] public static extern void pac_i8172W_GetLibDate(byte[] libDate); [DllImport("pac_i8172W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8172W_Init")] public static extern Int16 pac_i8172W_Init(int Slot); // function for I-8172 to FR-2057 [DllImport("pac_i8172W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8172W_WriteDOGroup")] public static extern void pac_i8172W_WriteDOGroup(int iSlot,int iPort, int iGroup,UInt16 iData); [DllImport("pac_i8172W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8172W_WriteDOBit")] public static extern void pac_i8172W_WriteDOBit(int iSlot, int iPort, int iGroup, int iChannel, int iStatus); // function for I-8172 to FR-2053 [DllImport("pac_i8172W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8172W_ReadDIGroup")] public static extern UInt16 pac_i8172W_ReadDIGroup(int iSlot, int iPort, int iGroup); [DllImport("pac_i8172W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8172W_ReadDIBit")] public static extern UInt16 pac_i8172W_ReadDIBit(int iSlot, int iPort, int iGroup,int iChannel); [DllImport("pac_i8172W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8172W_ReadInputGroupStatus")] public static extern Int16 pac_i8172W_ReadInputGroupStatus(int iSlot, int iPort, int iGroup); // function for I-8172 to FR-2054 [DllImport("pac_i8172W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8172W_DIO_WriteDOGroup")] public static extern void pac_i8172W_DIO_WriteDOGroup(int iSlot, int iPort, int iGroup, UInt16 iData); [DllImport("pac_i8172W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8172W_DIO_WriteDOBit")] public static extern void pac_i8172W_DIO_WriteDOBit(int iSlot, int iPort, int iGroup, int iChannel, int iStatus); [DllImport("pac_i8172W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8172W_DIO_ReadDIGroup")] public static extern UInt16 pac_i8172W_DIO_ReadDIGroup(int iSlot, int iPort, int iGroup); [DllImport("pac_i8172W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8172W_DIO_ReadDIBit")] public static extern UInt16 pac_i8172W_DIO_ReadDIBit(int iSlot, int iPort, int iGroup, int iChannel); // function for I-8172 to FR-2017 [DllImport("pac_i8172W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8172W_ReadAIHex")] public static extern Int16 pac_i8172W_ReadAIHex(int iSlot, int iPort, int iGroup, short bitMode, ref short iChannel,ref short aiHex); [DllImport("pac_i8172W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8172W_AIHexToFloat")] public static extern void pac_i8172W_AIHexToFloat(Int16 hexData, Int16 typeCode, Int16 bitMode, ref float fData); [DllImport("pac_i8172W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8172W_ReadAI_Ch")] public static extern Int16 pac_i8172W_ReadAI_Ch(int iSlot, int iPort, int iGroup, short bitMode, short typeCode, short iChannel,ref float aiFloat); [DllImport("pac_i8172W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8172W_ReadAI_All")] public static extern Int16 pac_i8172W_ReadAI_All(int iSlot,int iPort, int iGroup, short bitMode,short isSingleEnded,short[] typeCode, float[] aiFloat); // function for I-8172 to FR-2024 [DllImport("pac_i8172W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8172W_WriteAOHex")] public static extern Int16 pac_i8172W_WriteAOHex(int iSlot, int iPort, int iGroup, short bitMode, short iChannel, short aoHexData, short ifDelay); [DllImport("pac_i8172W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8172W_WriteAOFloat")] public static extern Int16 pac_i8172W_WriteAOFloat(int iSlot, int iPort, int iGroup, short bitMode, short iChannel, short typeCode, float aoFloat, short ifDelay); } /// /// Get the library version of this DLL (pac_i8172W.dll) /// /// library version public static Int16 LibVersion() { return ICPDAS.pac_i8172W_GetLibVersion(); } /// /// Get the building date of this DLL (pac_i8172W.dll) /// /// library building date public static string LibDate() { //return Arr2Str(ICPDAS.pac_i8017H_GetLibDate()); byte[] libDate= new byte[32] ; ICPDAS.pac_i8172W_GetLibDate(libDate); return AscArr2Str(libDate); } /// /// Initialize the I-8172W in the specified slot /// /// 1 ~ 7 (the slot which I-8172W is inserted) /// 0: OK; -1: Error. public static Int16 Init(int slot) { return ICPDAS.pac_i8172W_Init(slot); } /// /// Write DO group value to the FRnet DO module, such as FR-2057. /// /// 1 ~ 7 (the slot which I-8172W is inserted) /// 0 ~ 1 (the port of I-8172W which is used to connect FRnet) /// 0 ~ 7 (the group of FRnet DOs, which is corresponding to a FRnet module) /// 0 ~ 0xFFFF (the binary representation of 16 channel of DOs) public static void WriteDOGroup(int iSlot,int iPort, int iGroup,UInt16 iData) { ICPDAS.pac_i8172W_WriteDOGroup(iSlot, iPort, iGroup,iData); } /// /// Write DO bit value to the FRnet DIO module, such as FR-2054. /// /// 1 ~ 7 (the slot which I-8172W is inserted) /// 0 ~ 1 (the port of I-8172W which is used to connect FRnet) /// 0 ~ 7 (the group of FRnet DOs, which is corresponding to a FRnet module) /// 0 ~7 (the channel of FRnet DO module to write) /// ON or OFF public static void DIO_WriteDOBit(int iSlot, int iPort, int iGroup, int iChannel, int iStatus) { ICPDAS.pac_i8172W_DIO_WriteDOBit( iSlot, iPort, iGroup, iChannel, iStatus); } /// /// Write DO group value to the FRnet DO module, such as FR-2057. /// /// 1 ~ 7 (the slot which I-8172W is inserted) /// 0 ~ 1 (the port of I-8172W which is used to connect FRnet) /// 0 ~ 7 (the group of FRnet DOs, which is corresponding to a FRnet module) /// 0 ~ 0xFFFF (the binary representation of 16 channel of DOs) public static void DIO_WriteDOGroup(int iSlot, int iPort, int iGroup, UInt16 iData) { ICPDAS.pac_i8172W_DIO_WriteDOGroup(iSlot, iPort, iGroup, iData); } /// /// Write DO bit value to the FRnet DO module, such as FR-2057. /// /// 1 ~ 7 (the slot which I-8172W is inserted) /// 0 ~ 1 (the port of I-8172W which is used to connect FRnet) /// 0 ~ 7 (the group of FRnet DOs, which is corresponding to a FRnet module) /// 0 ~15 (the channel of FRnet DO module to write) /// ON or OFF public static void WriteDOBit(int iSlot, int iPort, int iGroup, int iChannel, int iStatus) { ICPDAS.pac_i8172W_WriteDOBit(iSlot, iPort, iGroup, iChannel, iStatus); } /// /// Read DI group value from the FRnet DI module, such as FR-2053. /// /// 1 ~ 7 (the slot which I-8172W is inserted) /// 0 ~ 1 (the port of I-8172W which is used to connect FRnet) /// 8 ~ 15 (the group of FRnet DIs, which is corresponding to a FRnet module) /// 0 ~ 0xFFFF (the binary representation of 16 channel of DIs) public static UInt16 ReadDIGroup(int iSlot, int iPort, int iGroup) { return ICPDAS.pac_i8172W_ReadDIGroup(iSlot, iPort, iGroup); } /// /// Read DI bit value from the FRnet DI module, such as FR-2053. /// /// 1 ~ 7 (the slot which I-8172W is inserted) /// 0 ~ 1 (the port of I-8172W which is used to connect FRnet) /// 8 ~ 15 (the group of FRnet DIs, which is corresponding to a FRnet module) /// 0 ~15 (the channel of FRnet DI module to read) /// ON or OFF public static UInt16 ReadDIBit(int iSlot, int iPort, int iGroup, int iChannel) { return ICPDAS.pac_i8172W_ReadDIBit(iSlot, iPort, iGroup, iChannel); } /// /// Read DI group value from the FRnet DIO module, such as FR-2054. /// /// 1 ~ 7 (the slot which I-8172W is inserted) /// 0 ~ 1 (the port of I-8172W which is used to connect FRnet) /// 8 ~ 15 (the group of FRnet DIs, which is corresponding to a FRnet module) /// 0 ~ 0xFF (the binary representation of 8 channel of DIs) public static Int16 ReadDIGroupstatus(int iSlot, int iPort, int iGroup) { return ICPDAS.pac_i8172W_ReadInputGroupStatus(iSlot, iPort, iGroup); } /// /// Get input communication status of input modules, such as FR-2053, FR-2054, FR-2017. /// /// 1 ~ 7 (the slot which I-8172W is inserted) /// 0 ~ 1 (the port of I-8172W which is used to connect FRnet) /// 8 ~ 15 (the group of FRnet inputs, which is corresponding to a FRnet module) /// 0: off line; 1: on line public static Int16 ReadInputGroupStatus(int iSlot, int iPort, int iGroup) { return ICPDAS.pac_i8172W_ReadInputGroupStatus(iSlot, iPort, iGroup); } public static UInt16 DIO_ReadDIGroup(int iSlot, int iPort, int iGroup) { return ICPDAS.pac_i8172W_DIO_ReadDIGroup(iSlot, iPort, iGroup); } /// /// Read DI bit value from the FRnet DIO module, such as FR-2054. /// /// 1 ~ 7 (the slot which I-8172W is inserted) /// 0 ~ 1 (the port of I-8172W which is used to connect FRnet) /// 8 ~ 15 (the group of FRnet DIs, which is corresponding to a FRnet module) /// 0 ~7 (the channel of FRnet DI module to read) /// ON or OFF public static UInt16 DIO_ReadDIBit(int iSlot, int iPort, int iGroup, int iChannel) { return ICPDAS.pac_i8172W_DIO_ReadDIBit(iSlot, iPort, iGroup, iChannel); } /// /// Read AI value from the FRnet AI module, such as FR-2017. /// Note: FR-2017 updates 16-bit data coutinuously every 2.8 ms in FRnet. /// For 16-bit mode, channel always = 0 and aiHex has all its 16 bit data as analog input. /// For 12-bit mode, channel is decided by the least significant 4 bits and analog input by most significant 12 bits. /// For 12-bit mode, use function AIHexToFloat to convert hex format to floating-point value. /// /// 1 ~ 7 (the slot which I-8172W is inserted) /// 0 ~ 1 (the port of I-8172W which is used to connect FRnet) /// 8 ~ 15 (the group of FRnet inputs, which is corresponding to a FRnet module) /// Bit_12: 12-bit mode; Bit_16: 16-bit mode /// the channel which the AI value come from /// analog input data of hex format /// less than 0: error; else: success public static Int16 ReadAIHex(int iSlot, int iPort, int iGroup, short bitMode, ref Int16 chIndex, ref Int16 aiHex) { return ICPDAS.pac_i8172W_ReadAIHex(iSlot, iPort, iGroup, bitMode, ref chIndex, ref aiHex); } /// /// Convert hex format analog input data to floating-point value, which comes from FR-2017. /// /// hex format analog input data /// FR-2017 input type and range /// Bit_12: 12-bit mode; Bit_16: 16-bit mode /// the converted result, floating-point value public static void AIHexToFloat(Int16 hexData, Int16 typeCode, Int16 bitMode, ref float fData) { ICPDAS.pac_i8172W_AIHexToFloat(hexData, typeCode, bitMode,ref fData); } /// /// Read analog input value of the specified channel from FR-2017. /// Compared with ReadAIHex, the application is blocked for about 0 ~ 45 ms to get data from the specified channel. /// /// 1 ~ 7 (the slot which I-8172W is inserted) /// 0 ~ 1 (the port of I-8172W which is used to connect FRnet) /// 8 ~ 15 (the group of FRnet inputs, which is corresponding to a FRnet module) /// Bit_12: 12-bit mode; Bit_16: 16-bit mode /// FR-2017 input type and range /// the channel which the AI value come from /// floating-point analog input data /// the sampling time needed for getting the analog input of the specified channel (unit: ms) public static Int16 ReadAI_Ch(int iSlot, int iPort, int iGroup, short bitMode, Int16 typeCode, Int16 chIndex, ref float aiFloat) { return ICPDAS.pac_i8172W_ReadAI_Ch(iSlot,iPort,iGroup,bitMode,typeCode,chIndex,ref aiFloat); } /// /// Read analog inputs from all of the channels from FR-2017. /// Compared with ReadAIHex, the application is blocked for about 0 ~ 45 ms to get data from the all of the channels. /// /// 1 ~ 7 (the slot which I-8172W is inserted) /// 0 ~ 1 (the port of I-8172W which is used to connect FRnet) /// 8 ~ 15 (the group of FRnet inputs, which is corresponding to a FRnet module) /// Bit_12: 12-bit mode; Bit_16: 16-bit mode /// /// For 16-bit mode, maxChannel = 1. /// For 12-bit mode, maxChannel = 8 if in differential mode. /// For 12-bit mode, maxChannel = 16 if in single-ended mode. /// /// the array of FR-2017 input type and range /// the floating-point analog input array of all channels /// the sampling time needed for getting the analog input of all the channels (unit: ms) public static Int16 ReadAI_All(int iSlot, int iPort, int iGroup, short bitMode, short isSingleEnded,short[] typeCode, float[] aiFloat) { return ICPDAS.pac_i8172W_ReadAI_All(iSlot, iPort, iGroup, bitMode, isSingleEnded, typeCode, aiFloat); } /// /// Write AO value (hex format) to the FRnet AO module, such as FR-2024. /// /// 1 ~ 7 (the slot which I-8172W is inserted) /// 0 ~ 1 (the port of I-8172W which is used to connect FRnet) /// 0 ~ 7 (the group of FRnet inputs, which is corresponding to a FRnet module) /// Bit_12: 12-bit mode (at present only support 12-bit mode) /// the channel to which the AO value is wriiten /// analog output data of hex format /// false: no delay; true: delay 3 ms /// always 0 public static Int16 WriteAOHex(int iSlot, int iPort, int iGroup, short bitMode, short iChannel, short aoHexData, short ifDelay) { return ICPDAS.pac_i8172W_WriteAOHex( iSlot, iPort, iGroup, bitMode, iChannel, aoHexData, ifDelay); } /// /// Write AO value (floating-point) to the FRnet AO module, such as FR-2024. /// /// 1 ~ 7 (the slot which I-8172W is inserted) /// 0 ~ 1 (the port of I-8172W which is used to connect FRnet) /// 0 ~ 7 (the group of FRnet inputs, which is corresponding to a FRnet module) /// Bit_12: 12-bit mode (at present only support 12-bit mode) /// the channel to which the AO value is wriiten /// FR-2024 output type and range /// floatnig-point analog output data /// false: no delay; true: delay 3 ms /// always 0 public static Int16 WriteAOFloat(int iSlot, int iPort, int iGroup, short bitMode, short iChannel, short typeCode, float aoFloat, short ifDelay) { return ICPDAS.pac_i8172W_WriteAOFloat( iSlot, iPort, iGroup, bitMode, iChannel, typeCode, aoFloat, ifDelay); } private static string AscArr2Str(byte[] b) { return System.Text.UnicodeEncoding.Unicode.GetString( System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.Convert(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII, System.Text.Encoding.Unicode, b), 0, b.Length); } public static string Arr2Str(byte[] buffer) { return (new UnicodeEncoding()).GetString(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); } } }