using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; ///I-8084W version, 2011/07/05 namespace pac8084WNet { public class pac8084W { private class ICPDAS { // for I/O version management [DllImport("pac_i8084W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8084W_GetLibVersion")] public static extern Int16 pac_i8084W_GetLibVersion(); [DllImport("pac_i8084W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8084W_GetLibDate")] public static extern void pac_i8084W_GetLibDate(byte[] libDate); [DllImport("pac_i8084W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8084W_InitDriver")] public static extern Int16 pac_i8084W_InitDriver(int Slot); [DllImport("pac_i8084W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8084W_SetChannelMode")] public static extern Int16 pac_i8084W_SetChannelMode(int Slot, int Channel, Int16 Mode); [DllImport("pac_i8084W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8084W_ReadCntABPhase")] public static extern Int16 pac_i8084W_ReadCntABPhase(int Slot, int Channel,ref Int32 Cnt32U,ref Int16 Overflow); [DllImport("pac_i8084W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8084W_ReadCntPulseDir")] public static extern Int16 pac_i8084W_ReadCntPulseDir(int Slot, int Channel,ref Int32 Cnt32U,ref Int16 Overflow); [DllImport("pac_i8084W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8084W_ReadCntUpDown")] public static extern Int16 pac_i8084W_ReadCntUpDown(int Slot, int Channel,ref Int32 Cnt32U,ref Int16 Overflow); [DllImport("pac_i8084W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8084W_ReadFreq")] public static extern Int16 pac_i8084W_ReadFreq(int Slot, int Channel, ref UInt32 Freq); [DllImport("pac_i8084W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8084W_ReadCntUp")] public static extern Int16 pac_i8084W_ReadCntUp(int Slot, int Channel,ref UInt32 Cnt32U, ref UInt16 OverFlow); [DllImport("pac_i8084W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8084W_ClrCnt")] public static extern Int16 pac_i8084W_ClrCnt(int Slot, int Channel); [DllImport("pac_i8084W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8084W_RecoverDefaultSetting")] public static extern void pac_i8084W_RecoverDefaultSetting(int Slot); [DllImport("pac_i8084W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8084W_ReadXorRegister")] public static extern Int16 pac_i8084W_ReadXorRegister(int Slot, int Channel, ref Int16 XorReg); [DllImport("pac_i8084W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8084W_SetXorRegister")] public static extern Int16 pac_i8084W_SetXorRegister(int Slot, int Channel, Int16 XorReg); [DllImport("pac_i8084W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8084W_ReadChannelMode")] public static extern Int16 pac_i8084W_ReadChannelMode(int Slot, int Channel, ref Int16 Mode); [DllImport("pac_i8084W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8084W_ReadLowPassFilter_Us")] public static extern Int16 pac_i8084W_ReadLowPassFilter_Us(int Slot, int Channel, ref UInt16 Us); [DllImport("pac_i8084W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8084W_SetLowPassFilter_Us")] public static extern Int16 pac_i8084W_SetLowPassFilter_Us(int Slot, int Channel, UInt16 Us); [DllImport("pac_i8084W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8084W_ReadLowPassFilter_Status")] public static extern void pac_i8084W_ReadLowPassFilter_Status(int Slot,int Channel,ref Int16 Status); [DllImport("pac_i8084W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8084W_SetLowPassFilter_Status")] public static extern void pac_i8084W_SetLowPassFilter_Status(int Slot,int Channel,Int16 Status); [DllImport("pac_i8084W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8084W_ReadFreqMode")] public static extern void pac_i8084W_ReadFreqMode(int Slot, int Channel, ref Int16 Mode); [DllImport("pac_i8084W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8084W_SetFreqMode")] public static extern void pac_i8084W_SetFreqMode(int Slot, int Channel, Int16 Mode); [DllImport("pac_i8084W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8084W_ReadFreqTimeoutValue")] public static extern UInt16 pac_i8084W_ReadFreqTimeoutValue(int Slot, int Channel ); [DllImport("pac_i8084W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8084W_SetFreqTimeoutValue")] public static extern void pac_i8084W_SetFreqTimeoutValue(int Slot, int Channel, UInt16 TimeOutValue ); [DllImport("pac_i8084W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8084W_ReadDI_Xor")] public static extern Int16 pac_i8084W_ReadDI_Xor(int Slot, ref Int16 DI); [DllImport("pac_i8084W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8084W_ReadDI_XorLPF")] public static extern Int16 pac_i8084W_ReadDI_XorLPF(int Slot,ref Int16 DI); } /// /// Get the firmware version of I-8084W in the specified slot. /// /// 1 ~ 7 (the slot which I-8084W is inserted) /// firmware version public static Int16 LibVersion() { return ICPDAS.pac_i8084W_GetLibVersion(); } /// /// Get the library version of this DLL (pac_i8084W.dll) /// /// library version public static Int16 FirmwareVersion(int slot,ref Int16 firmware) { return 0; } /// /// Get the building date of this DLL (pac_i8084W.dll) /// /// library building date public static string LibDate() { //return Arr2Str(ICPDAS.pac_i8017H_GetLibDate()); byte[] libDate= new byte[32] ; ICPDAS.pac_i8084W_GetLibDate(libDate); //return libDate.Length.ToString(); //Console.WriteLine("libDate= {0} Len= {1}\n", AscArr2Str(libDate), libDate.Length.ToString()); return AscArr2Str(libDate); } /// /// Initialize the I-8084W in the specified slot /// /// 1 ~ 7 (the slot which I-8084W is inserted) /// Error Code of the DLL, pac_i8084W.dll (refer to pac_i8084W.h public static Int16 Init(int slot) { return ICPDAS.pac_i8084W_InitDriver(slot); } public static Int16 SetLED(int slot, UInt32 led) { return 0; } private static string AscArr2Str(byte[] b) { return System.Text.UnicodeEncoding.Unicode.GetString( System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.Convert(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII, System.Text.Encoding.Unicode, b), 0, b.Length); } public static string Arr2Str(byte[] buffer) { return (new UnicodeEncoding()).GetString(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); } /// /// Set the operation mode of the specified channel of the I-8084W in the specified slot. /// The original function in pac_i8084W.dll is SetChannelMode() /// /// 1 ~ 7 (the slot which I-8084W is inserted) /// 0 ~ 7 (from where the input comes) /// operation mode, including DirectionPulse, UpDown, Frequency, Up, Quadrant /// Error Code of the DLL, pac_i8084W.dll (refer to pac_i8084W.h) public static Int16 SetChannelMode(int Slot, int Channel, Int16 Mode) { return ICPDAS.pac_i8084W_SetChannelMode(Slot, Channel, Mode); } /// /// Get the operation mode of the specified channel of the I-8084W in the specified slot. /// The original function in pac_i8084W.dll is ReadChannelMode() /// /// 1 ~ 7 (the slot which I-8084W is inserted) /// 0 ~ 7 (from where the input comes) /// operation mode, including DirectionPulse, UpDown, Frequency, Up, Quadrant /// Error Code of the DLL, pac_i8084W.dll (refer to pac_i8084W.h) public static Int16 ReadChannelMode(int Slot, int Channel, ref Int16 Mode) { return ICPDAS.pac_i8084W_ReadChannelMode(Slot, Channel, ref Mode); } /// /// Recover the default settings of the I-8084W in the specified slot. /// Note: Default settings are as followings: /// XOR register=0 (active high); /// channel mode= 3 (Up counter mode); /// Frequency operate mode = 0 (normal mode); /// Low Pass Filter status = disable; /// Low Pass Filter signal width = 1 us; /// /// 1 ~ 7 (the slot which I-8084W is inserted) public static void RecoverDefaultSetting(int Slot) { ICPDAS.pac_i8084W_RecoverDefaultSetting( Slot); } /// /// Depreciated. /// Use ReadCount() instead. /// Read the counts of Dir/Pulse mode in the specified channel. /// /// 1 ~ 7 (the slot which I-8084W is inserted) /// 0 ~ 7 (from where the input comes) /// the counts (direction=0, negative counts; direction=1, positive counts) /// the count status, overflow: 1; not overflow: 0 /// Error Code of the DLL, pac_i8084W.dll (refer to pac_i8084W.h) public static Int16 ReadPulseDir(int Slot, int Channel,ref Int32 Cnt32U,ref Int16 Overflow) { return ICPDAS.pac_i8084W_ReadCntPulseDir(Slot, Channel,ref Cnt32U,ref Overflow); } /// /// Depreciated. /// Use ReadCount() instead. /// Read the counts of Up/Down mode in the specified channel. /// /// 1 ~ 7 (the slot which I-8084W is inserted) /// 0 ~ 7 (from where the input comes) /// the counts read back /// the count status, overflow: 1; not overflow: 0 /// Error Code of the DLL, pac_i8084W.dll (refer to pac_i8084W.h) public static Int16 ReadUpDown(int Slot, int Channel,ref Int32 Cnt32U,ref Int16 Overflow) { return ICPDAS.pac_i8084W_ReadCntUpDown( Slot, Channel,ref Cnt32U,ref Overflow); } /// /// Read the frequency in the specified channel of the I-8084W in the specified slot. /// /// 1 ~ 7 (the slot which I-8084W is inserted) /// 0 ~ 7 (from where the input comes) /// the frequency in the specified channel (unit: Hz) /// Error Code of the DLL, pac_i8084W.dll (refer to pac_i8084W.h) public static Int16 ReadFreq(int Slot, int Channel, ref UInt32 Freq) { return ICPDAS.pac_i8084W_ReadFreq(Slot, Channel, ref Freq); } /// /// Depreciated. /// Use ReadCount() instead. /// Read the counts of Up mode of the specified channel. /// /// 1 ~ 7 (the slot which I-8084W is inserted) /// 0 ~ 7 (from where the input comes) /// the counts read back /// the count status, overflow: 1; not overflow: 0 /// Error Code of the DLL, pac_i8084W.dll (refer to pac_i8084W.h) public static Int16 ReadUpCnt(int Slot, int Channel,ref UInt32 Cnt32U, ref UInt16 OverFlow) { return ICPDAS.pac_i8084W_ReadCntUp(Slot, Channel,ref Cnt32U, ref OverFlow); } /// /// Depreciated. /// Use ReadCount() instead. /// Read the counts of Quadrant mode in the specified channel. /// /// 1 ~ 7 (the slot which I-8084W is inserted) /// 0 ~ 7 (from where the input comes) /// the counts read back /// the count status, overflow: 1; not overflow: 0 /// Error Code of the DLL, pac_i8084W.dll (refer to pac_i8084W.h) public static Int16 ReadABPhase(int Slot, int Channel,ref Int32 Cnt32U,ref Int16 Overflow) { return ICPDAS.pac_i8084W_ReadCntABPhase( Slot, Channel,ref Cnt32U,ref Overflow); } /// /// Clear the counts of the specified channel of I-8084W in the specified slot.. /// /// 1 ~ 7 (the slot which I-8084W is inserted) /// 0 ~ 7 (from where the input comes) /// Error Code of the DLL, pac_i8084W.dll (refer to pac_i8084W.h) public static void ClrCnt(int Slot, int Channel) { ICPDAS.pac_i8084W_ClrCnt( Slot, Channel); } /// /// Depreciated. /// Use ReadActiveState() instead. /// Read XOR register to see that input signal as active low or active high. /// /// 1 ~ 7 (the slot which I-8084W is inserted) /// 0 ~ 7 (from where the input comes) /// 0: active high (signal: Low -> High, count changed); 1: active low /// Error Code of the DLL, pac_i8084W.dll (refer to pac_i8084W.h) public static Int16 ReadXor(int Slot, int Channel, ref Int16 XorReg) { return ICPDAS.pac_i8084W_ReadXorRegister(Slot, Channel, ref XorReg); } /// /// Depreciated. /// Use SetActiveState() instead. /// Set XOR register to make input signal as active low or active high. /// /// 1 ~ 7 (the slot which I-8084W is inserted) /// 0 ~ 7 (from where the input comes) /// 0: active high (signal: Low -> High, count changed); 1: active low /// Error Code of the DLL, pac_i8084W.dll (refer to pac_i8084W.h) public static Int16 SetXor(int Slot, int Channel, Int16 XorReg) { return ICPDAS.pac_i8084W_SetXorRegister(Slot, Channel, XorReg); } /// /// Read the width of low pass filter in the specified channel of the I-8084W in the specified slot. /// I-8084W has only three independent 2nd-order digital noise filters to remove noises. /// Channel 0/1 use the first; channel 2/3 use the second; channel 4/5/6/7 use the third. /// Assume that (high level width of input signal) = x, /// if x is less than us, then the input signal is filtered. /// if x is greater than 2*us, then the input signal passes. /// if x is between us and 2*us, then some passes and some be filtered. /// /// 1 ~ 7 (the slot which I-8084W is inserted) /// 0 ~ 7 (from where the input comes) /// 1~32767, pulse width, unit= 1us /// Error Code of the DLL, pac_i8084W.dll (refer to pac_i8084W.h) public static Int16 ReadLowPassFilter_Us(int Slot, int Channel, ref UInt16 Us) { return ICPDAS.pac_i8084W_ReadLowPassFilter_Us(Slot, Channel, ref Us); } /// /// Set the width of low pass filter in the specified channel of the I-8084W in the specified slot. /// I-8084W has only three independent 2nd-order digital noise filters to remove noises. /// Channel 0/1 use the first; channel 2/3 use the second; channel 4/5/6/7 use the third. /// Assume that (high level width of input signal) = x, /// if x is less than us, then the input signal is filtered. /// if x is greater than 2*us, then the input signal passes. /// if x is between us and 2*us, then some passes and some be filtered. /// /// 1 ~ 7 (the slot which I-8084W is inserted) /// 0 ~ 7 (from where the input comes) /// 1~32767, pulse width, unit= 1us /// Error Code of the DLL, pac_i8084W.dll (refer to pac_i8084W.h) [DllImport("pac_i8084W.dll", EntryPoint = "pac_i8084W_SetLowPassFilterUs")] public static Int16 SetLowPassFilter_Us(int Slot, int Channel, UInt16 Us) { return ICPDAS.pac_i8084W_SetLowPassFilter_Us(Slot, Channel, Us); } /// /// Read the status of low pass filter in the specified channel of the I-8084W in the specified slot. /// /// 1 ~ 7 (the slot which I-8084W is inserted) /// 0 ~ 7 (from where the input comes) /// the status of low pass filter, Disabled or Enabled /// Error Code of the DLL, pac_i8084W.dll (refer to pac_i8084W.h) public static void ReadLowPassFilter_Status(int Slot,int Channel,ref Int16 Status) { ICPDAS.pac_i8084W_ReadLowPassFilter_Status(Slot,Channel,ref Status); } /// /// Set the status of low pass filter in the specified channel of the I-8084W in the specified slot. /// /// 1 ~ 7 (the slot which I-8084W is inserted) /// 0 ~ 7 (from where the input comes) /// the status of low pass filter, Disabled or Enabled /// Error Code of the DLL, pac_i8084W.dll (refer to pac_i8084W.h) public static void SetLowPassFilter_Status(int Slot,int Channel,Int16 Status) { ICPDAS.pac_i8084W_SetLowPassFilter_Status(Slot,Channel,Status); } /// /// Read the frequency mode in the specified channel of the I-8084W in the specified slot. /// /// 1 ~ 7 (the slot which I-8084W is inserted) /// 0 ~ 7 (from where the input comes) /// the frequency mode in the specified channel, Normal or HighSpeed public static void ReadFreqMode(int Slot, int Channel, ref Int16 Mode) { ICPDAS.pac_i8084W_ReadFreqMode(Slot, Channel, ref Mode); } /// /// Set the frequency mode in the specified channel of the I-8084W in the specified slot. /// /// 1 ~ 7 (the slot which I-8084W is inserted) /// 0 ~ 7 (from where the input comes) /// the frequency mode in the specified channel, Normal or HighSpeed public static void SetFreqMode(int Slot, int Channel, Int16 Mode) { ICPDAS.pac_i8084W_SetFreqMode(Slot,Channel,Mode); } /// /// Read the timeout value while measuring frequecny in the specified channel of the I-8084W /// /// 1 ~ 7 (the slot which I-8084W is inserted) /// 0 ~ 7 (from where the input comes) /// timeout value while measuring frequency (unit: ms) public static UInt16 ReadFreqTimeoutValue(int Slot, int Channel ) { return ICPDAS.pac_i8084W_ReadFreqTimeoutValue(Slot, Channel ); } /// /// Set the timeout value while measuring frequecny in the specified channel of the I-8084W /// /// 1 ~ 7 (the slot which I-8084W is inserted) /// 0 ~ 7 (from where the input comes) /// timeout value while measuring frequency (unit: ms) public static void SetFreqTimeoutValue(int Slot, int Channel, UInt16 TimeOutValue ) { ICPDAS.pac_i8084W_SetFreqTimeoutValue(Slot, Channel, TimeOutValue ); } /// /// Read the DI value after xor operation in the specified channel. /// I-8084W uses xor operations to toggle active states of each channel. /// The original function in pac_i8084W.dll is ReadDIXor(). /// /// 1 ~ 7 (the slot which I-8084W is inserted) /// the value of digital input which represents DI status of 8 channels /// Error Code of the DLL, pac_i8084W.dll (refer to pac_i8084W.h) public static Int16 ReadDI_Xor(int Slot, ref Int16 DI) { return ICPDAS.pac_i8084W_ReadDI_Xor( Slot, ref DI); } /// /// Read the DI value after xor operation and Low pass filter in the specified channel. /// I-8084W uses xor operations to toggle active states of each channel. /// The original function in pac_i8084W.dll is ReadDIXorLPF(). /// /// 1 ~ 7 (the slot which I-8084W is inserted) /// the value of digital input which represents DI status of 8 channels /// Error Code of the DLL, pac_i8084W.dll (refer to pac_i8084W.h) public static Int16 ReadDI_XorLPF(int Slot,ref Int16 DI) { return ICPDAS.pac_i8084W_ReadDI_XorLPF(Slot, ref DI); } } }