PACSDK Library History


The PACSDK.dll provides support for ICPDAS s WinCE-based platforms, such as WinPAC series (PXA270 platforms), XPAC series (x86 platforms) and SV/IWS/VP/WP-9000 series (AM335x platforms).
Below is a comparison of the new and previous SDK files


PACSDK Library

Development Header Files


Development Library Files


Target Device Native DLL Files


Target Device .NET CF DLL Files



[Version] [11/01/2019]

New Features

1. Support WP-2641-CE7 (iMX6).


[Version] [04/25/2019]

New Features

1. Support 64K FRAM .

2. Support WP2241.

3 Support read Dip switch value.

Modifications (Changes)

1. Changes Read the Serial number place(FRAM).

Bug Fixed

1.Fixed the module name display error in the pac_GetModuleName on the WP9000.

1.Fixed the XW310 XW310c module name display error in the pac_GetModuleName on the WP5141.


[Version] [09/13/2018]

New Features

1. Support 4 LED on the WP-4221-CE7

Modifications (Changes)

1. Remove uart_ChangeMode function

2. Remove pac_EthernetLinkInit function

3. Change i8KRW/i9k module API functions pac_GetModulePowerOnEnStatus and i8KR_ReadModulePowerOnValueDO

Bug Fixed

1. Fix a bug of pac_GetModuleLastOutputSource

[Version] [11/06/2017]

New Features

1. Add support for M7004/M2004 (for DAISY CHAIN WIRING MODULE)

Modifications (Changes)

1.      Modify Hardware watchdog for WP-8x2x/VP-x231/WP-9000 series


    The watchdog timeout value is modified as 1~255, 1 unit stands for 2 seconds

pac_GetWatchDogTime(int wdt)

    It s allows to get the watchdog timeout value.

2.      Modify Hardware watchdog for XP-8x3x series


    The watchdog timeout value is modified as 1~255, 1 unit stands for 2.4 seconds

pac_GetWatchDogTime(int wdt)

     It s allows to get the watchdog timeout value.

[Version] [01/06/2017]

New Features

1. Add support the R3600 series.

2. Add BPtimer functions for AM335x series.

3. Add support for I-87004W (for DAISY CHAIN WIRING MODULE).

Bug Fixed

1. Fix the I-8033PM display error in the Pac_utility.

2. Fix the bug in the DeleteComPort() function.

[Version] [07/28/2016]

New Features

1. Add function pac_SetModulePowerOnEnStatus.

2. Add function pac_GetModulePowerOnEnStatus.

3. Add default about WP-8x2x-CE7.

Modifications (Changes)

1. Modify pac_GetModuleLastOutputSource, i8KR_WriteModulePowerOnValueDO,i8KR_WriteDO,i8KR_WriteDOBit,pac_SetModuleWDTInterruptStatus .

Bug Fixed

1. Fix Hardware WDT can't stop.

2. Fix pac_EnableRetrigger about setting and sometime return error message.

[Version] [01/26/2016]

New Features

1. Add retentive funcion for I-8KR or some I-9K modules. .

2. Add I-8033W module ID. .

Bug Fixed

1. Fixed the bug i8KR_WriteDO/i8KR_WriteModulePowerOnValueDO .

2. Fixed the bug _pac_WriteDOBit and _pac_WriteDO .

[Version] [12/23/2015]

New Features

1. Updated the pac_GetModuleName function to support I-8033W modules.

Modifications (Changes)

1. Remove some debug message.

Bug Fixed

1. Fix the bus of _pac_WriteDO,_pac_readDO,_pac_WriteDI,_pac_readDI

a bug of pac_ReadDI to call iPac_ReadDI for IPAC

[Version] [06/25/2014]

New Features

1.          Added support the WP-9000 series.

2.          The reserved space of MRAM for AM335x series changes as 8KB. (the previous reserved space is 64KB)

3.          Added support I-8040PW/I-8053PW module. 

Modifications (Changes)

1.          Modify pac_GetModuleName() for AM335x series

2.          Change the Hardware WDT control method (pac_EnableWatchDog)
          1. Platform with FPGA (WP-9000/VP-x321): HW WDT controlled by FPGA
          2. SV series or WP-5000: HW WDT controlled by CPU GPIO

3.          Change the LED control method
     1. WP-9000/VP-x321: LED controlled by FPGA

Bug Fixed

1.          Fix a bug of pac_ReadDI to call iPac_ReadDI for IPAC

2.          Fix a bug of pac_GetModuleName to read 8K module name not match the address.

[Version] [12/04/2014]

New Features

1.          Support backplane API functions for AM335x (VP-4000)

2.          Support interrupt API functions for AM335x (VP-4000)

3.          Support Memory mapping API functions for AM335x (VP-4000)

4.          Support SRAM access API function for VP-4000 (Controlled by FPGA)

Bug Fixed

1.          Fix an issue of pac_GetOSBuild_DATE_TIME which cannot provide the wide string.

2.          Fix an issue of pac_SDMount and pac_SDUnmount that cause the Micro_SD card data mess.

3.          Fix an issue of pac_ReadDI that calling the wrong iPac_ReadDO function.


New Features

1.          Add pac_GetEbootVersion function for AM335x series to obtain the Eboot version and data.

2.          Add support of 64KB FRAM for WP-5231

The private space of first 8KB is reserved for ICPDAS use, and the last 56KB is for user.

Modifications (Changes)

1. Remove the functions below from PACSDK static library

a. pac_ModuleExists

b. WDT relation functions

pac_DisableWatchDog/ pac_EnableWatchDog / pac_GetWatchDogState/ pac_GetWatchDogTime/ pac_RefreshWatchDog / pac_SetWatchDogTime

c. MicroSD functions

pac_SDExists/ pac_SDMount/ pac_SDOnside/ pac_SDUnmount


uart_Open ...


pac_WriteDO ...

*PACSDK static library is used is only available for the ICPDAS's internal use.

[Version] [07/01/2014]

Modifications (Changes)

1.          Modified uart_GetLineStatus() in uart.cpp

2.          Modified AddComPort in LinkingList.cpp

3.          Modify SetSlaveAddress in eep_wp.cpp

1.          New Features

Added set/get brightness API functions


Added support the I-8118W module

[Version] [1/14/2014]

2.          New Features

  Added the pac_GetModuleWDTStatusEX function, which is the same function as pac_GetModuleWDTStatus, but with an output parameter added.

Bug Fixed

  Fixed an issue with the pac_GetModuleWDTStatus function that caused it to always return a value of  true .


New Features

  Added support for AM335x series

Bug Fixed

  Fixed an issue with the pac_GetBatteryLevel function that solved memory leak.


Modifications (Changes)

  The pac_WriteDOBit function supports 5, 6 and 7 channels.

  Modify the pac_ReadModulePowerOnValueAO function comment.

[Version] [5/30/2013]

Bug Fixed

  Fixed an issue with the uart_GetLineStatus function that occurred with when running with uart_open in the same thread.

[Version] [5/30/2013]

Bug Fixed

  Fixed an issue with the Pure_ReadModuleSafePowerOnValueDO function that occurred with when DO modules 16 channels.

[Version] [4/3/2013]

Bug Fixed

  Fixed an issue with the pac_ReadModulePowerOnValueAO_MF function that check tM serial multi-function module name wrong cause return false and fix a bug about check I-87026P module name wrong.

[Version] [2/18/2013]

New Features

         Added the pac_ReadAO_MF, pac_ReadModulePowerOnValueAO_MF and pac_ReadModuleSafeValueAO_MF functions.

Bug Fixed

         Fixed an issue where calling pub_GetSerialNumber function caused the Hardware WDT to malfunction.

         Fixed an issue with the pac_WriteAO_MF, pac_WriteModulePowerOnValueAO_MF and pac_WriteModuleSafeValueAO_MF functions when reading or writing data in single channel AO modules.

         Fixed an issue where call pac_ReadDIO function to read data caused error to occur on 8-channel DI modules.

         Updated the pac_GetModuleName function to support 87K series modules, XW512F, XW315W, XW511, XW110i and XW608.

[Version] [11/21/2012]

Bug Fixed

         Fixed an issue with the uart_close() function, where an error occurred if the uart_close() function was called without using a COM Port.

[Version] [10/15/2012]

New Features

  This is the first released version. (The previous XPACSDK for XPAC series and the WinPACSDK for WinPAC series have been unified and renamed as the PACSDK)

 Made modifications and updates to the PACSDK.dll

    1. Added the pac_EnableLEDs function
    2. Added a Registry API for the XPAC series
    3. Added the I/O WDT, PowerOn/Safe Value API for pure DIO modules
    4. Added I/O access API functions for the Multi-function modules
    5. Added the pac_GetCurrentDirectory and pac_GetCurrentDirectoryWAPI functions for the PACSDK
    6. Added the reserved memory section for the XPAC series

The PWM API functions in the PaCSDK_PWM.dll file only support the operation of I-7K/I-87K PWM modules, exclusive of I-8K PWM modules