Copyright Aug.2020 by ICP DAS CO., LTD. All right reserved. This paper lists the upgrade history of the Win-GRAF driver of the WP-9228-CE7、WP-9428-CE7 and WP-9828-CE7 . The "WP-9x28-CE7" addreviation is for the WP-9228-CE7、WP-9428-CE7 and WP-9828-CE7 PAC (Programmanle Automation Controller). The newly released driver can also be obtained from the following website. for example, the "" means the driver version 1.01 . Warning: The copyright of the Win-GRAF driver (firmware) belongs to ICP DAS CO., LTD. The WP-9x28-CE7 PAC have registered a legal Win-GRAF Target license. Trademark: Products, names and trade names appeared belongs to their respective owner. ************************************************************************** * 1.01 , Aug.28,2020 ************************************************************************** 1. This is the first relesed Win-GRAF driver of the WP-9x28-CE7 PAC .