਀吀攀挀栀渀椀挀愀氀 匀甀瀀瀀漀爀琀  ਀        吀攀挀栀渀椀挀愀氀  猀甀瀀瀀漀爀琀 椀猀 愀瘀愀椀氀愀戀氀攀 愀琀 渀漀 挀栀愀爀最攀  愀猀 搀攀猀挀爀椀戀攀搀 below. The best way to report problems is send electronic mail ਀    琀漀  匀攀爀瘀椀挀攀䀀椀挀瀀搀愀猀⸀挀漀洀  漀爀  椀挀瀀搀愀猀䀀洀猀㠀⸀栀椀渀攀琀⸀渀攀琀 漀渀 琀栀攀 䤀渀琀攀爀渀攀琀⸀ ਀ Detail Information for Debuging਀ When reporting problems, please include the following ਀    椀渀昀漀爀洀愀琀椀漀渀㨀 ਀    ㄀⸀ 䤀猀 琀栀攀 瀀爀漀戀氀攀洀 爀攀瀀爀漀搀甀挀椀戀氀攀㼀  䤀昀 猀漀Ⰰ 栀漀眀㼀 ਀    ㈀⸀ 圀栀愀琀 欀椀渀搀 愀渀搀 瘀攀爀猀椀漀渀 漀昀 伀瀀攀爀愀琀椀漀渀 匀礀猀琀攀洀猀 琀栀愀琀 礀漀甀 爀甀渀渀椀渀最㼀 For example, Windows 3.1, Windows for Workgroups, Windows NT਀       㐀⸀ Ⰰ 攀琀挀⸀ ਀    ㌀⸀ 圀栀愀琀 欀椀渀搀猀 漀昀  漀甀爀  瀀爀漀搀甀挀琀猀  琀栀愀琀 礀漀甀 甀猀椀渀最㼀 倀氀攀愀猀攀 猀攀攀 琀栀攀  product's manual.਀ 4. If a dialog box with an error message was displayed, please ਀       椀渀挀氀甀搀攀 琀栀攀  昀甀氀氀 琀攀砀琀 漀昀 琀栀攀 搀椀愀氀漀最 戀漀砀Ⰰ 椀渀挀氀甀搀椀渀最 琀栀攀 琀攀砀琀  in the title bar.਀ 5. If the problem involves other programs or hardware devices, ਀       眀栀愀琀 搀攀瘀椀挀攀猀 漀爀  瘀攀爀猀椀漀渀 漀昀 琀栀攀  昀愀椀氀椀渀最  瀀爀漀最爀愀洀猀  琀栀愀琀 礀漀甀  using? ਀ 6. What kind of Software Package/ Development Toolkit/ Compiler਀       琀栀愀琀 礀漀甀 甀猀椀渀最 㼀 ਀    㜀⸀ 伀琀栀攀爀 挀漀洀洀攀渀琀猀  爀攀氀愀琀椀瘀攀 琀漀 琀栀椀猀  瀀爀漀戀氀攀洀 漀爀 愀渀礀 猀甀最最攀猀琀椀漀渀猀  will be welcomed.਀ ਀        䄀昀琀攀爀 眀攀 栀愀搀 爀攀挀攀椀瘀攀 礀漀甀爀 挀漀洀洀攀渀琀猀Ⰰ  眀攀 眀椀氀氀 琀愀欀攀 愀戀漀甀琀 琀眀漀  business days to testing the problems that you said. And then ਀    爀攀瀀氀礀  愀猀 猀漀漀渀 愀猀 瀀漀猀猀椀戀氀攀  琀漀 礀漀甀⸀  倀氀攀愀猀攀  挀栀攀挀欀 琀栀愀琀  眀攀 栀愀搀  receive your comments. And please keeping contact with us.਀ ਀    䔀ⴀ洀愀椀氀  㨀 匀攀爀瘀椀挀攀䀀椀挀瀀搀愀猀⸀挀漀洀 icpdas@ms8.hinet.net਀    圀攀戀ⴀ匀椀琀攀㨀 栀琀琀瀀㨀⼀⼀眀眀眀⸀椀挀瀀搀愀猀⸀挀漀洀 Mirror : http://www.icpdas.com.tw਀            ਀ Copyright਀    䌀漀瀀礀爀椀最栀琀 戀礀 䤀䌀倀䐀䄀匀 䤀渀挀⸀ 䄀氀氀 爀椀最栀琀猀 愀爀攀 爀攀猀攀爀瘀攀搀⸀ ਀ Warranty਀        䄀氀氀 瀀爀漀搀甀挀琀猀 洀愀渀甀昀愀挀琀甀爀攀搀 戀礀 䤀䌀倀䐀䄀匀 䤀渀挀⸀ 愀爀攀 眀愀爀爀愀渀琀攀搀  against defective materials for a period of one year from ਀    琀栀攀 搀愀琀攀 漀昀 搀攀氀椀瘀攀爀礀 琀漀 琀栀攀 漀爀椀最椀渀愀氀 瀀甀爀挀栀愀猀攀爀⸀ ਀圀愀爀渀椀渀最 ICPDAS Inc. assume no liability for damages consequent to ਀    琀栀攀  甀猀攀  漀昀  琀栀椀猀 瀀爀漀搀甀挀琀⸀  䤀䌀倀䐀䄀匀 䤀渀挀⸀ 爀攀猀攀爀瘀攀猀 琀栀攀 爀椀最栀琀 琀漀  change this manual at any time without notice. The information਀    昀甀爀渀椀猀栀攀搀  戀礀  䤀䌀倀䐀䄀匀  䤀渀挀⸀ 椀猀  戀攀氀椀攀瘀攀搀  琀漀 戀攀  愀挀挀甀爀愀琀攀  愀渀搀  reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by ICPDAS Inc. ਀    昀漀爀 椀琀猀 甀猀攀Ⰰ 渀漀爀 昀漀爀 愀渀礀  椀渀昀爀椀渀最攀洀攀渀琀猀  漀昀  瀀愀琀攀渀琀猀  漀爀 漀琀栀攀爀  rights of third parties resulting from its use.਀ ਀吀爀愀搀攀洀愀爀欀 The names used for identification only maybe registered ਀    琀爀愀搀攀洀愀爀欀猀 漀昀 琀栀攀椀爀 爀攀猀瀀攀挀琀椀瘀攀 挀漀洀瀀愀渀椀攀猀⸀ ਀䰀椀挀攀渀猀攀 The software/toolkit for DOS is free, and others can be ਀    甀猀攀搀 昀漀爀 攀瘀愀氀甀愀琀椀漀渀 瀀甀爀瀀漀猀攀 漀渀氀礀⸀  ਀ For more information, please contact to your local agent.਀ ICP DAS Co., Ltd.਀䔀ⴀ洀愀椀氀  㨀 猀攀爀瘀椀挀攀䀀椀挀瀀搀愀猀⸀挀漀洀 Web-Site: http://www.icpdas.com਀嬀唀瀀搀愀琀攀㨀 䘀攀戀ⴀ 㜀Ⰰ ㈀  ㄀崀