#include #include #include #include #include /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define UCHAR unsigned char #define WORD unsigned short #define DWORD unsigned long #define TIGER100 0xE1590002 #define TIGER320 0xE1590001 #define Oxford_old 0x14159504 #define Oxford_new 0x14159501 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Error Codes #define VXC_NoError 0 #define VXC_InvalidBaudrate 1 #define VXC_InvalidDataFormat 2 #define VXC_TimeOut 3 #define VXC_ChecksumError 4 #define VXC_DriverHandleError 5 #define VXC_DriverCallError 6 #define VXC_FindBoardError 7 #define VXC_ExceedBoardNumber 8 #define VXC_NotFoundBoard 9 /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif float VXC_FloatSub2( float fA, float fB ); short VXC_ShortSub2( short nA, short nB ); WORD VXC_GetDriverVersion( WORD *wDriverVersion ); WORD VXC_DriverInit( WORD *wTotalCardsFound ); WORD VXC_DriverClose( void ); WORD VXC_GetCardInfo( WORD wCardNo, WORD *wConfigAddr, DWORD *wCardType, WORD *wCardSwitchID, WORD *wNumberOfPorts, WORD *wUartStride, WORD *wIrq ); WORD VXC_GetPortInfo( WORD wCardNo, WORD wPortAddr[] ); WORD VXC_GetCardName( DWORD wCardType, char szCardName[] ); int VXC_OpenCom( WORD wCom_ID_Address, DWORD dwBaudRate, char szDataFormat[], WORD *wCOM_Handle ); int VXC_OpenComLowSpeed( WORD wCom_ID_Address, DWORD dwBaudRate, char szDataFormat[], WORD *wCOM_Handle ); int VXC_CloseCom( WORD wCom_Handle ); int VXC_SendChar( WORD wCom_Handle, int ch, WORD wTimeout ); int VXC_ReceiveChar( WORD wCom_Handle, int *ch, WORD wTimeout ); int VXC_SendBuffer( WORD wCom_Handle, char sSendBuffer[], DWORD dwLength, WORD wTimeout ); int VXC_ReceiveBuffer( WORD wCom_Handle, char sReceiveBuffer[], DWORD dwLength, WORD wTimeout ); int VXC_SendCmd( WORD wCom_Handl, char cSendCmd[], DWORD dwLength, WORD wTimeout ); int VXC_ReceiveCmd( WORD wCom_Handl, char cSendCmd[], DWORD dwLength, WORD wTimeout ); WORD VXC_SetLed( WORD wConfigAddr, WORD wOnOff ); DWORD _inpd( WORD port ); /* 1 or '1' : Enable Debug Print others : Disable Debug Print */ void VXC_SetDebugMode( UCHAR bMode ); void _outpd( WORD port, DWORD data ); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /*************** for Microsoft C Compiler ****************/ #ifdef _MSC_VER /* MSC inp returns byte, inpw returns word */ /* TC inportb returns byte, inport returns word */ /* Now, it is unified to use inpb, inpw, inpd, outpb, outpw, outpd */ #define inportb inp #define outportb outp #define inport inpw #define outport outpw #define inportw inpw #define outportw outpw #define inpd _inpd #define outpd _outpd #define inpb inp #define outpb outp #define enable _enable #define disable _disable #define setvect _dos_setvect #define sleep delay1 #define delay delay1 #else // for BC and TC /* Now, it is unified to use inpb, inpw, inpd, outpb, outpw, outpd */ //#define inp inportb //#define inpw inport #define inpb inportb #define inpd _inpd //#define outp outportb //#define outpw outport #define outpb outportb #define outpd _outpd #endif /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Values */ #define VXC_LOW_SPEED 0x00 #define VXC_HIGH_SPEED 0x02 #define VXC_LED_OFF 0x00 // Off all output state #define VXC_LED_ON 0x80 // Aux7 for LED On #define VXC_112A_LED_ON 0x20 // Aux5 for LED On /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #define VXC_THR 0 /* Transmitter Holding Register, tx buffer */ #define VXC_RBR 0 /* Receiver Buffer Register, rx buffer */ #define VXC_DLL 0 /* Baud LSB */ #define VXC_DLH 1 /* Baud MSB */ #define VXC_IER 1 /* Interrupt Enable Register */ #define VXC_FCR 2 /* FIFO Control Register */ #define VXC_IIR 2 /* Interrupt Identification Register */ #define VXC_LCR 3 /* Linear Control Register */ #define VXC_DFR 3 /* Data Format Register */ #define VXC_MCR 4 /* Modem Control Register */ #define VXC_LSR 5 /* Linear Status Register */ #define VXC_MSR 6 /* Modem Status Register */ /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */