********************************************************************** VxCard Driver W7 Platform: Windows 2000/XP/2003/2008/Vista and Windows 7.(32/64Bit) Update : Apr.8, 2010 Version : v2.08.00 PCI Express: VEX-114(i), VEX-144(i) Universal PCI: VXC-114(i)(A)U, VXC-144(i)U, VXC-112(i)(A)U, VXC-142(i)U, VXC-182iU , PCOM-102i. PCI Cards: VXC-112A, VXC-142(i), VXC-182i. Driver Files: OxCarEnu.sys, OxCarSer.sys, OxExtEnu.sys, VxCarEnu.sys, VxCarSer.sys, VEXEnu.sys, VEXSer.sys, VEExtEnu.sys ********************************************************************** 1. Introduction The VxCard Driver W7 is designed for the VXC Multi-port series cards. It creates COM ports for each card in Windows 2000/XP/2003/2008/Vista/7. Users can then use standard Win32 APIs (for example: CreateFile, CloseHandle, ReadFile, WriteFile...) to access the COM ports of the VXC cards. ******************** A. COM port mapping by COM-Selector: VXC card equips a DIP switch to act as a Board ID and COM port number selector. If the Board ID is 0, the VxCard Driver defines the COM port number to a valid one on the system automatically. When the Board ID is not 0, the VxCard Driver uses the "Board ID" to be the first COM port number and uses the "Board ID +1" to be the second COM port number, and so on. (See appendix section.) The Max. COM port number is up to COM256. ******************** B. Utility : The VxCard Utility shows all COM ports on the system, and let you to change the software FIFO size for each port. ******************** C. Software FIFO Size: The standard serial port driver allocates 4KB buffer for each COM port, while the VxCard Driver allows user to have 128KB FIFO for each COM port. Users can use the VxCard Utility to modify it. ******************** D. Plug & Play supported: The VxCard Driver W7 supports PnP in the Windows 2000/XP/2003/2008/Vista and Windows 7.(32/64Bit). 2. Installation Please install the driver package before you plug-in the VXC cards into the system. Then the system can recognize the VXC cards automatically and simplify the installation procedures. A. Install the dirver's setup program. It will installs the Plug and Play information files, VxCard Utility program and kernel driver files into the system. default folder: C:\ICPDAS\VxCardW7 ==> for all files C:\WinNT\inf ==> for inf files with oemxxx prefix C:\WinNT\Systemv B. Configurate the COM port number by using COM-Selector (dip switch) first. See section 1.A and Section 3. C. Power off your cmoputer and plug the VXC card into an available slot. D. Power on your computer. E. In Windows XP/2003/2008/Vista and Windows 7, it requires more PnP steps. Please select the "Install the software automatically" item to finish it when the "Found New Hardware Window Wizard" pops up. 3. Appendix Examples of Board ID and COM port mapping when there are 2 ports on the card. Board ID COM port mapping Board ID COM port mapping ========== ================ ========== ================ 0x00 (0) Auto-defined 0x0A (10) COM10, COM11 0x01 (1 *) COM1, COM2 0x14 (20) COM20, COM21 0x02 (2 *) COM2, COM3 0x1E (30) COM30, COM31 0x03 (3 *) COM3, COM4 0x28 (40) COM40, COM41 0x04 (4 *) COM4, COM5 0x32 (50) COM50, COM51 0x05 (5) COM5, COM6 0x3C (60) COM60, COM61 0x06 (6) COM6, COM7 0x46 (70) COM70, COM71 0x07 (7) COM7, COM8 0x50 (80) COM80, COM81 0x08 (8) COM8, COM9 0x5A (90) COM90, COM91 0x09 (9) COM9, COM10 0x64 (100) COM100, COM101 0x0A (10) COM10, COM11 0x6E (110) COM110, COM111 0x0B (11) COM11, COM12 0x78 (120) COM120, COM121 0x0C (12) COM12, COM13 0x82 (130) COM130, COM131 0x0D (13) COM13, COM14 0x8C (140) COM140, COM141 0x0E (14) COM14, COM15 0x96 (150) COM150, COM151 0x0F (15) COM15, COM16 0xA0 (160) COM160, COM161 0xAA (170) COM170, COM171 Board ID COM port mapping 0xB4 (180) COM180, COM181 ========== ================ 0xBE (190) COM190, COM191 0x10 (16) COM16, COM17 0xC8 (200) COM200, COM201 0x20 (32) COM32, COM33 0xD2 (210) COM210, COM211 0x30 (48) COM48, COM49 0xDC (220) COM220, COM221 0x40 (64) COM64, COM65 0xE6 (230) COM230, COM231 0x50 (80) COM80, COM81 0xF0 (240) COM240, COM241 0x60 (96) COM96, COM97 0xFA (250) COM250, COM251 0x70 (112) COM112, COM113 0x80 (128) COM128, COM129 0x90 (144) COM144, COM145 0xA0 (160) COM160, COM161 0xB0 (176) COM176, COM177 0xC0 (192) COM192, COM193 0xD0 (208) COM208, COM209 0xE0 (224) COM224, COM225 0xF0 (240) COM240, COM241 Note: 1. It's recommended don't use COM1 ~ COM4, since the COM1 and COM2 are usually reserved by systems, while the COM3 and COM4 may be used by other Plug&Play serial ports in the future. 2. Few software recognize the standard COM ports only. If your software have problem to use the VXC Card COM ports, please set the COM-Selector to zero (COM port number is auto-assigned) and try the new COM port number again. 3. After changing the COM-Selector, you have to uninstall the VXC card from the Device-Manager, and then scan the new hardware to install the VXC card again (or re-boot the computer). This forces the VXC card driver to read the new COM-Selector setting and assigns correct COM ports for this card. 4. For more information, please refer to the user's manual.