#ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif void LCD_Init(void); /* Initialize parameters about LCD functions in the library */ void pascal LCD_SetCursor(int mode); /* Set the Cursor display status Parameters: mode: Cursor display on/off 1: Display on 0: Display off */ void pascal LCD_SetBlink(int mode); /* Set the Cursor blink status when cursor status is on Parameters: mode: Character blink on/off 1: blink on 0: blink off */ void LCD_Display_cur(void); /* Show the cursor */ int pascal LCD_Gotoxy(unsigned x, unsigned y); /* Move the cursor to the specific position Parameters: x: Cursor x-position (0 to 15) y: Cursor y-position (0 to 3) return: on sucess return 0. on fail return 1: x or y is not correct */ void pascal LCD_Putch(uchar Text); /* Display one character on the LCD panel, and the cursor will right-shifted by one character position automatically Parameters: Text: Display character */ int pascal LCD_Puts(uchar *str); /* Display string that the length does not exceed 64 Half-Width or 32 Full-Width The Full-Width have to begin at x postion 0,2,4,6,8...14. The cursor will right-shifted by the string position automatically Parameters: str: The string ((ending with '\0') to be displayed return: on sucess return 0. on fail return 5: The Full-Width begin postion is not correct */ int pascal LCD_PutsAt(unsigned x, unsigned y,uchar *str,unsigned mode); /* Display string on the specific position, the string length does not exceed 64 Half-Width or 32 Full-Width The Full-Width have to begin at x postion 0,2,4,6,8...14. The cursor will not shift Parameters: x: Cursor x-position (0 to 15) y: Cursor y-position (0 to 3) str: The string ((ending with '\0') to be displayed mode : The String display status 0 : The String will the display 1 : The String will the reverse display return: on sucess return 0. on fail return: 1: x or y is not correct 5: The Full-Width begin postion is not correct */ void LCD_LineReverse(unsigned y); /* Select one out of four line and reverse the display Parameters: y: y means line number, 0 ~ 3 */ void LCD_LineRestore(unsigned y); /* Select one out of four line and restore the display Parameters: y: y means line number, 0 ~ 3 */ void LCD_StandByMode(void); /* Enter the stand by mode, and it can be terminated by either LCD_NormalMode() or other function */ void LCD_ClrScrn(void); /* Clear the LCD panel */ void pascal LCD_UpdateCurScrn_G(); /* Redraw the LCD panel after LCD_Pixel(),LCD_Hline(),LCD_Vline().... */ void pascal LCD_Pixel(int x,int y,int mode); /* Draw a pixel dot on the specific position Parameters: x: x-position (0 to 127) y: y-position (0 to 63) mode : 0 : Clear a pixel dot 1 : Draw a pixel dot 2 : Draw a pixel dot for Exclusive OR(XOR) */ void pascal LCD_Hline(int x1,int x2,int y,int mode); /* Draw a horizontal line on the specific position Parameters: x1: x-position (0 to 127) x2: x-position (0 to 127) y : y-position (0 to 63) mode : 0 : Clear a horizontal line 1 : Draw a horizontal line 2 : Draw a horizontal line for Exclusive OR(XOR) */ void pascal LCD_Vline(int x,int y1,int y2,int mode); /* Draw a vertical line on the specific position Parameters: x : x-position (0 to 127) y1: y-position (0 to 63) y2: y-position (0 to 63) mode : 0 : Clear a vertical line 1 : Draw a vertical line 2 : Draw a vertical line for Exclusive OR(XOR) */ void pascal LCD_Line(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,int mode); /* Draw a line between the two specific position Parameters: x1: x-position (0 to 127) y1: y-position (0 to 63) x2: x-position (0 to 127) y2: y-position (0 to 63) mode : 0 : Clear a line 1 : Draw a line 2 : Draw a line for Exclusive OR(XOR) */ void pascal LCD_Rectangle(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2,int mode); /* Draw a Rectangle between the two specific position Parameters: x1: x-position (0 to 127) y1: y-position (0 to 63) x2: x-position (0 to 127) y2: y-position (0 to 63) mode : 0 : Clear a Rectangle 1 : Draw a Rectangle 2 : Draw a Rectangle for Exclusive OR(XOR) */ void pascal LCD_Circle(int ox,int oy,int r,int mode); /* Draw a Circle/Arc on the specific position Parameters: ox: x-position (0 to 127) oy: y-position (0 to 63) r : r means radius mode : 0 : Clear a Circle/Arc 1 : Draw a Circle/Arc 2 : Draw a Circle/Arc for Exclusive OR(XOR) */ int LCD_Bmp(unsigned x, unsigned y, char *fname ,int mode); /* Draw a BMP file on the beginning position. The BMP file name does not exceed 8 characters. The Bitmap attribute is black & white , pixel size 128*64. User has to download BMP file to ViewPAC Parameters: x: x-position (0 to 127) y: y-position (0 to 63) fname: file name mode : 0 : Clear a BMP 1 : Draw a BMP 2 : Draw a BMP for Exclusive OR(XOR) */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif