UDP MiniOS7 image file ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use 7188eu.exe >7188eu /s:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx /p:nnn xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx the ip address of i7188E with the MiniOs7 UDP image nnn the port number of i7188E ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ver. 2.0.2 [2005/07/14] 1. Allow to add last 3 bytes of MAC address behind the ip command, such as "ip /E0:01:02" It can avoid to set the same IP address for all modules while broadcast the ip command. For example: "ip /E0:01:02" is used to set the IP address of 7188E whose mac address is 00:0d:e0:e0:01:02 to 1"". 2.The first 3 bytes of MAC address is "00:0D:E0"¡C [2005/07/01] 1. Fixs¡GModify the RESET MODE while the CPU is RDC series. [2005/06/27] Add¡G 1. Fix Load commmand problem. [2005/06/20] Add 1. add DHCP client¡C command format: dhcp [/s] Order dhcp command to DHCP server under MiniOS7 environment. If DHCP server has the response and the response message(IP/MASK/GATEWAY/DHCP SERVER/DNS SERVER) will print on console screen. "/s" paramet: Save IP/MASK/GATEWAY value into EEPROM¡C (7188E will not take effect immediately the IP/MASK/GATEWAY obtained from DHCP. You need to reset the I7188E first) No any response while running without DHCP server and terminate this command after 5 seconds without any message. [2005/06/10] UDP miniOS7 image v2.0 Console for COM1 and UDP conneciton with port 23.