================================================================================ MiniOS7 Ver. 2 for I-7188XA ================================================================================ 2.0.2 [2005/03/22] 1.Fixed: When the COM1 is set as stdio port, it will result in fail of COM1 after start-up. [2005/05/16] 1.Modified: Recover INT 0x10 for STD OUT to use. (INT 0x29 is still retained) (Let old version of Print work well) Ver. 2.0.3 [2005/07/01] 1.Fixed: Using new method to detect the reset mode for RDC CPU. (The early version may detect a wrong result for POWER ON reset to WDT reset.) [2005/08/17] 1.Fixed: Modify the judgement method of ASCKEY. Ver. 2.0.4 [2006/06/14] OS image file name: "7188xa_CR_20060614.img" 1. Modified: Set when WDT timeout occures to generate an NMI interrupt. 2. This version and later can be used on the I-7188XA RoHS version. Ver. 2.0.5 [2006/09/21] OS image file name: "7188xa_CR_20060921.img" 1. Modify the code for ISR of WDT NMI to make the system more stable. Ver. 2.0.6 [2006/12/07] OS image file name: "7188xa_CR_20061207.img" 1.Modify: After reset, disable all interrupt first then do other thing. Ver. 2.0.7 [2007/01/09] OS image file name: "7188xa_CR_20070109.img" 1.Modify the data format for the password value. 2.Modify: Before reset(Soft reset or WDT reset), disable all interrupt and disable all timer. 3.Add command: alias Ver. 2.0.8 [2007/02/26] OS image file name: "7188xa_CR_20070226.img" 1.Fixed: "WDT reset" may make COM4 output abnormally. Ver. 2.0.9 [2008/05/05] OS image file name: "7188xa_CR_20080505.img" 1.Fiexd: The problem that the last line of "autoexec.bat" is not end with CR+LF, after execute autoexec.bat the OS will stop to echo the input commands, but it also execute the commands well. ================================================================================ [Chinese Big5]------------------------------------------------------------------ == [改版說明] ================================================================== Ver. 2.0.2 [2005/03/22] 1.修正設定 stdio port 為 COM1 造成開機無法使用的問題。 [2005/05/16] 1.恢復 INT 0x10 給 STD OUT 使用。(INT 0x29 還是有) (讓早期版本的 Print 可以使用) Ver. 2.0.3 [2005/07/01] 1.修正:使用 RDC CPU 時,修改 RESET MODE 的判斷方式。 (以前的方式可能會把 POWER ON reset 誤判為 WDT reset) [2005/08/17] 1.修正 ASCKEY 的判斷方式。 Ver. 2.0.4 [2006/06/14] OS image file name: "7188xa_CR_20060614.img" 1. 修改 WDT RESET 的處理方式。 2. 修改相容於 RoHS 版本。 Ver. 2.0.5 [2006/09/21] OS image 檔名: "7188xa_CR_20060921.img" 1. 修改 WDT RESET 的處理方式,遇到 wdt reset 時系統可以較穩定。 Ver. 2.0.6 [2006/12/07] OS image 檔名: "7188xa_CR_20061207.img" 1.修改:開機後先把所有中斷 disable 之後再繼續處理其他事項。 Ver. 2.0.7 [2007/01/09] OS image 檔名: "7188xa_CR_20070109.img" 1.password 設定的儲存使用新的方式處理。 2.修改: 以軟體方式 reset 之前先將中斷以及 timer disbale。 3.加上命令: alias Ver. 2.0.8 [2007/02/26] OS image 檔名: "7188xa_CR_20070226.img" 1.修正 WDT reset 可能造成 COM4 無法正常輸出的問題。 Ver. 2.0.9 [2008/05/05] OS image 檔名: "7188xa_CR_20080505.img" 1.修正: autoexec.bat 最後一行沒有用 CR+LF 結束時,執行完 autoexec.bat 之後,OS不會 回應收到的命令。(還是有執行該命令,但沒有回應收到的命令。) ================================================================================