================================================================================ MiniOS7 Ver. 2 for I-7188. ================================================================================ Ver. 2.0.2 [2005/07/01] 1.Fixed: Using new method to detect the reset mode for RDC CPU. (The early version may detect a wrong result for POWER ON reset to WDT reset.) Ver. 2.0.3 [2006/12/12] OS image file name: 7188-20061212.IMG 1.Fixed: All interrupts will be disable first and then handle other things when I-7188 is booted up. Ver. 2.0.4 [2007/01/09] 1.Fixed: Add a test to check if the A17 is connected for MiniOS7 command "diag ram". 2.Modified: Using a new algorithm for MiniOS7 command "setpassword". Ver. 2.0.5 [2007/03/01] OS image file name:7188-20070301.IMG 1.Fixed: "WDT reset" may make COM4 output abnormally. Ver. 2.0.6 [2008/05/06] OS image file name:7188-20080506.IMG 1.Fiexd: The problem that the last line of "autoexec.bat" is not end with CR, after execute autoexec.bat the OS will stop to echo the input commands, but it also execute the commands well. Ver. 2.0.7 [2012/12/14] OS image file name: 7188-20121217.IMG 1.Added: Add hardware infotmation to support OS7_BASE.lib. ================================================================================ [Chinese Big5]------------------------------------------------------------------ == [改版說明] ================================================================== Ver. 2.0.2 [2005/07/01] 1.修正:使用 RDC CPU 時,修改 RESET MODE 的判斷方式。 (以前的方式可能會把 POWER ON reset 誤判為 WDT reset) Ver. 2.0.3 [2006/12/12] OS image file name: 7188-20061212.IMG 1.修改:一開機先把所有中斷 disable 之後再處理其他事項。 Ver. 2.0.4 [2007/01/09] 1.修改:diag ram 加上測試 A17 有沒有接上的問題。 2.password 改用新的方式處理。 Ver. 2.0.5 [2007/03/01] OS image file name:7188-20070301.IMG 1.修正 WDT reset 可能造成 COM4 無法正常輸出的問題。 Ver. 2.0.6 [2008/05/06] OS image file name:7188-20080506.IMG 1.修正: autoexec.bat 最後一行沒有用 CR 結束時,執行完 autoexec.bat 之後,OS 不會 回應收到的命令。 Ver. 2.0.7 [2012/12/14] OS image file name: 7188-20121217.IMG 1.加上硬體相關訊息,以便支援 OS7_BASE.lib。 ================================================================================