FAQ – LC Series Modules

  LC-001-EN   What are the design goals for LC Series Modules?
  LC-001-TC   LC 系列模組的設計目標?
  LC-002-EN   What is the difference between the LC-101 and LC-103 modules?
  LC-002-TC   LC-101 與 LC-103 模組之間的差異?
  LC-003-EN   What is the permissible load for the LC-101 and LC-103 modules?
  LC-003-TC   LC-101 與 LC-103 的容許負載?
  LC-004-EN  What are the advantages of using RJ-11 wiring?
  LC-004-TC   RJ-11 的配線優點?
  LC-005-EN   Why do the LC-101 and LC-103 have a low permissible load?
  LC-005-TC   LC-101/103 容許負載為何偏低?
  LC-006-EN   How are LC series modules installed?
  LC-006-TC   LC 系列模組的固定方式?
  LC-007-EN   What is the purpose of the DI used in the LC-103 module?
  LC-007-TC   LC-103 的 DI 用途?
  LC-008-EN   What is the wiring configuration for the LC-101 (Rev B)?
  LC-008-TC   LC-101 Rev B 的配線方式?