#include<conio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include"../lib/8000.h" //I-8000 Series Function Call Definition/*This demo program is writted for I-8054 Module,8 Digital Output & 8 digital Input.Before Run this program,connect the digital output to the digital input*/void main(){ unsigned int SlotNo,DOdata; unsigned char DIdata;   Print("Please Input DO Module Slot Number(0 to 7) =");//Specific the slot number of I-8054. SlotNo = ascii_to_hex(Getch());//MiniOS7 read the slot input. Print(" %d \n\r",SlotNo);//Show the user input. Print("Please Input DO Data(Hex) = "); Scanf("%x",&DOdata);//MiniOS7 read the user keyin the digital output value. Print("DO data = %x\n\r",DOdata);//Show the user input. DIO_DO_8(SlotNo,DOdata);//Function call to execute, set digital output Delay_1(300);//for Isolation Type,Wait the photo coupler DIdata = DI_8(SlotNo);//Function call to execute, read digital input Print("DI data = %X\n\r",DIdata);//Show the digital input value.}
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