Copyright January 2002 by ICP DAS CO., LTD. All right reserved. The ISaGRAF embedded driver is firmware burned into the flash memory of the iP-8417 / 8817. It can be easily upgraded by the user. Our newly released driver can also be obtained from the following website. Warning: The copyright of the firmware and ISaGRAF embedded driver belongs to ICP DAS CO., LTD. Only the iP-8417 / 8817 have registered a legal ISaGRAF Target license. To burn an ISaGRAF embedded driver into other iP-8000 controllers is absolutely illegal and may be punished by law. Trademark: Products, names and trade names appeared belongs to their respective owner. This Document Details How To upgrade the OS & ISaGRAF driver For The iP-8x47 Embedded Controller. Make sure of your current OS & driver version before you upgrade it. 1. Create a file folder named "ip8000" in your hard drive. For example, "c:\ip8000". 2. Copy \Napdos\ISaGRAF\ip8000\Driver\1.28\iP8x17_1.28\"7188xw.exe", "7188xw.ini" , "7188xw.f4" , "isa_ip.exe" , "autoexec.bat" & "ip_20191023.img" from the CD_ROM into your "ip8000" folder. 3. Run "\ip8000\7188xw.exe" in your hard drive. A "7188xw" screen will appear (Press F1 for help). 4. Link COM1 or COM2 of your PC to COM1 of the iP-8x17 controller through a RS232 cable. 5. Power off the iP-8417/ 8817 controller, change the Dip Switch on controller panel to the "Init", then power it up. 6. If the connection is Ok, messages will appear on the 7188xw screen. ICP_DAS MiniOS7 for iPAC-8000E(80MHz) Ver. 2.04 build 011,Oct 23 2019 16:46:50 OS id = 25 SRAM:512K, FLASH MEMORY:512K [CPU=ICPDAS R2240I] CPU internal WDT is ENABLED(WDT timeout = 0.8 sec) Serial number= 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A 5A C837_V2> 7. Type "ver" to see the current OS version. C837_V2> ver 8. Type "isa_ip *p=" to see the version No. of the ISaGRAF driver C837_V2> isa_ip *p= Driver : iP-8x17 : isa_ip.exe - V1.27,Dec.15,2020 MiniOS7 : Must use ip_20191024.img isa_data.exe - 1.15,Dec.11,2019 NED-ID : 1 Licence is OK COM1 is Modbus RTU slave port,19200,8,N,1 (or COM1 is free) COM2 is Modbus RTU slave port,19200,8,N,1 (or COM2 is free) COM3 is Modbus RTU slave port,19200,8,N,1 (or COM3 is free) Use 'isa_ip *f=1' to free COM1, 'isa_ip *f=0' to set COM1 as Modbus RTU Flash Menory is protected;refer to > FAQ > Software > ISaGRAF > 089 for more detail info. (Flash Menory is unprotected;refer to > FAQ > Software > ISaGRAF > 089 for more detail info.) (C)Copyright:ICP DAS CO. , LTD. Taiwan Id:84517297 To upgrade an ISaGRAF embedded driver, follow the following steps. 9. Power off the iP-8417/8817 controller, change the Dip Switch on controller panel to the "Init", then power it up. 10. Press "F4" to auto run "isa_data.exe" and dowload "autoexec.bat","isa_ip.exe" ,"ip_20191023.img" and reboot system. Wait about 90 SEC. to update ISaGRFA system. ***DO NOT REMOVE THE POWER IN THESE 90 SEC.*** 11. Type "dir" to make sure "autoexec.bat" and "isa_ip.exe" are well burned. C837_V2> dir 0)autoexec.bat 12/25/2008 15:13:13 18[00016]8002:0000-8003:0002 1)isa_ip.exe 06/18/202114:50:01 179751[33431]8005:0002-B348:0003 Total File number is 2 Free space=248669 bytes 12. Press ALT_X to exit "7188xw". 13. Power off the iP-8417/8817 controller, change the Dip Switch on controller panel to the "Run", then power it up.