#include "..\..\lib\8000a.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "ini.h" void parseSec(char* secStr,char* resStr); int HighRamMode; extern int bNeedDisableHighRam; int ReadLine(FILE *f, char *bp,int findex) { char c = '\0'; int i = 0,j=0; /* Read one line from the source file */ if(findex>=f->size) return 0; for(i=findex;i<f->size;i++) { if(f->addr[i]=='\n'||f->addr[i]=='\r') break; bp[j++]=f->addr[i]; } bp[j] = '\0'; return(i+1); } int GetINIString(char *section, char *key, char *defaultStr, char *valStr, int buffer_len ,int disk, char *file_name) { FILE *fp; char buff[MAX_LINE_LENGTH],temp[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; char *ep; int i; int secBegin=-1, secEnd=-1; int fIndex=0; char t_section[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; int len = strlen(key); if(disk==0) { if(bNeedDisableHighRam) { HighRamMode=GetHighRamMode(); DisableHighRam(); } fp = GetFileInfoByName(file_name); } else { fp = GetFileInfoByName_AB(1,file_name); } if( !fp ) return(0); sprintf(t_section,"[%s]",section); /* Format the section name */ /* Move through file 1 line at a time until a section is matched or EOF */ while(fIndex<fp->size) { fIndex=ReadLine(fp,temp,fIndex); if(secBegin<0) { parseSec(temp,buff); if(strncmp(buff,t_section,strlen(t_section))==0) { secBegin=1; } } else { if(temp[0]=='[') { break; } else { if(strncmp(temp,key,len)==0) { ep = strrchr(temp,'='); /* Parse out the equal sign */ ep++; /* Copy up to buffer_len chars to buffer */ strncpy(valStr,ep,strlen(temp)); secEnd=1; break; } } } } if(secEnd==-1) strcpy(valStr,defaultStr); valStr[i+1] = '\0'; if(disk==0) { if(bNeedDisableHighRam) { SetHighRam(HighRamMode); } } return(strlen(valStr)); } void parseSec(char* secStr,char* resStr) { int i,j=0; int len=strlen(secStr); for(i=0;i<len;i++) { if((secStr[i]!=0x20)&&(secStr[i]!=0x0d)&&(secStr[i]!=0x0a)&&(secStr[i]!=0x09)) resStr[j++]=secStr[i]; } resStr[j]='\0'; }