#ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif void UserInit(void); /* User must support the function : UserInit(); */ void UserLoopFun(void); /* User must support the function : UserLoopFun(); */ int UserCmd(unsigned char *Cmd,unsigned char *Response); /* When user want use COMMAND "19", User must support the function : UserCmd(); COMMAND "19" will pass the user command to function UserCmd(); If the function will return something back, must put the data on the output buffer "Response", and return value must >0 . */ void AddUserTimerFunction(void (*fun)(void),unsigned timems); /* The vxcomm.LIB support AddUserTimerFunction(); when user want to install a function, and for a period time the system will call the function, just call this function to install it. for example: unsigned cnt; void UserCount(void) { cnt++; } void UserInit(void) { AddUserTimerFunction(UserCount,10); // every 10 ms will call UserCnt } */ int EnableCom(int port); /* The function can force the eXserver to re-work with the com port */ int DisableCom(int port); /* The function can force the eXserver to skip the com port */ extern int SocketConnected; /* SocketConnected : total connect socket number */ extern int EchoMode; /* EchoMode: 0, default mode. 1, will add the command number to the echo message. for example: input: 10 output:107188E2 */ typedef struct t_TcpReadData{ int Comport; int Socket; int Length; char* ReadUartChar; }TCPREADDATA; int VcomSendSocket(int skt,char *data,int cnt); extern unsigned Port9999,Port502,Port10000,PortUser; /* By default Port10000=10000,Port9999=9999, Port502=502, PortUser=0 user's function(UserInit()) can change them to others port value. */ void VcomSaveComData(int port); #if defined(_I7188E_) || defined(_I7186E_) #define MAX_COMPORT 8 #else #define MAX_COMPORT 4 #endif typedef struct COM_DATA { unsigned long baud; char databit; char parity; char stopbit; unsigned char sum; } *pCOM_DATA,COM_DATA; extern COM_DATA ComData[MAX_COMPORT]; /* The COM port setting value will be save in EEPROM and VCOMnnnn will read it from EEPROM. And it will be display on the 5DigitLed. If user's function want change the setting value, just set the variable ComData[port], and can call VcomSaveComData(int port) to save the new value to EEPROM. */ int TcpPrint(int skt,int mode,char *fmt,...); /* [09/09/2002] Add. VCOM3009 or later Use TcpPrint like printf, add the message will be send out by TCP/IP. skt: socket mode: 0: send to internal buffer first,if the buffered size > 1360 the buffered msg will be send out. 1: send out immediately. */ #ifndef _TCPIP_H_ struct in_addr { /* Internet address */ unsigned long s_addr; }; struct sockaddr_in { /* Internet socket address */ short sin_family; /* should be unsigned but this is BSD */ unsigned short sin_port; /* network order !!! */ struct in_addr sin_addr; char sin_zero[8]; }; #endif typedef struct socket_state { int active; /* socket is active */ struct sockaddr_in sin; /* client address */ } socket_state; /* Global Variable */ extern socket_state sst[NCONNS]; /* sockets state table */ /* After establish connection to Port9999/Port520/PortUser, system will call these function. user program must support these three functions. It can send welcome message to client side, or the message to ask user id/password, or ... */ void Port9999Start(int skt); void Port502Start(int skt); void PortUserStart(int skt); extern unsigned char xBoardName[16]; /* [2006/02/15]: 10 --> 16 */ extern void (*fpUserEnd)(void); /* [2007/01/19] add */ /* [2007/05/03] add some variable for config VCOM3 */ extern int bVcomEnableWDT; /* default value is 1. VCOM3 will call EnableWDT(); If want to disable WDT just set bVcomEnableWDT=0; at UserInit(). */ extern unsigned MaxPort10KCmdNumber; /* default value is 5. Using "MaxPort10KCmdNumber" to set the maximum command number that in one packet can be processed. */ extern int bVcomWebReadOnly; /* default value is 0. Set bVcomWebReadOnly=1; then from the WEB interface can not change the IP/MASK/GATEWAY and the COM port setting. */ /* End of [2007/05/03]*/ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif