Reads power on value of DO or DIO module in specific slot of the I-8000 system.
~ a delimiter character
AA address number of the I-8000 system. AA= 00 ~ FFh
Si slot number of the module. i = 0 ~ 3 or 0 ~ 7
4P command to read power on value
[CHK] 2-characters of Checksum
(cr) Character Return(0x0D) for denote the end of the command
Valid Command

!AAEE0000[chk](cr) for 8 bits or less than 8 bits DO/DIO module
!AAEEEE00[chk](cr) for 16 bits DO/DIO module
for 32 bits DO/DIO module

Invalid Command ?AA[CHK](cr)
Syntax error or communication error may get no response.
! delimiter for valid command
? delimiter for invalid command
AA address number of the I-8000 system
EE 8 bits power on DO value (00~FFh)
EEEE 16 bits power on DO value (0000~FFFFh)
EEEEEEEE 32 bits power on DO value (00000000~FFFFFFFFh)
[CHK] 2 characters of Checksum
(cr) Character Return(0x0D) for denote the end of the response
Command ~01S74P
Response !01130000(cr)
Description Power on value of slot7 is 1300h for 16 channels DO/DIO module.
Power on value of slot7 is 13h for 8 channels (or less than 8 channels) DO/DIO module.
DO or DIO modules

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