Command $AASiCjARRFF
Description This command set the input range and data format of the analog data input module to the specified Slot and channel in the I-8000 system.
Syntax $AASiCjARRFF[CHK](cr)
$ a delimiter character
AA 2-characters HEX module address for the specified I-8000 system ,Range from 01 to FFh
Si Specified slot number. i = 0 to 3(4 slots) or
i = 0 to 7(8 slots)
Cj specified channel number. j = 0 to 7
A Command for set the input range, data format of the analog input module
RR Input range code Type
FF Data format code Format
[CHK] 2-characters of Checksum
(cr) Character Return(0x0D) for denote the end of command
Valid Command !AA[chk](cr)
Invalid Command ?AA[CHK](cr)
Syntax error or communication error may get no response.
! delimiter for valid command
? delimiter for invalid command
AA 2-characters HEX module address
[CHK] 2-characters of Checksum
(cr) Character Return(0x0D) for denote the end of response
Command $01S0C1A0000
Response !01(cr)
Description The Analog Data input Module channel 1 in slot 0 of the I-8000 system at address 01h that configuration is +/-15mV input range and engineering unit data format.
The response indicates the command is valid.

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