Command $AASi3
Description Read data from the Analog Data input module CJC(Cold Junction Compensation) sensor in the specified Slot of the I-8000 system.
Syntax $AASi3[CHK](cr)
$ a delimiter character
AA 2-characters HEX module address for the specified I-8000 system ,Range from 01 to FFh
Si Specified slot number. i = 0 to 3(4 slots) or
i = 0 to 7(8 slots)
3 command for read CJC status
[CHK] 2-characters of Checksum
(cr) Character Return(0x0D) for denote the end of command
Valid Command >(data)[chk](cr)
Invalid Command ?AA[CHK](cr)
Syntax error or communication error may get no response.
> delimiter for valid command
? delimiter for invalid command
AA 2-characters HEX module address
[CHK] 2-characters of Checksum
(cr) Character Return(0x0D) for denote the end of response
Command $01S23
Response >+0022.34(cr)
Description The data read from slot 2 in the I-8000 system at address 01h is +22.34 C.

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