Command/Response String and Checksum
Command/Response Format
Command Format (Leading)(Address)(Command)[CHK](cr)
Response Format (Leading)(Address)(Response)[CHK](cr)
(Leading) Leading character, like ~, $, #, @, %, !, ?, >.
(Address) Address of specificed module, from 00 to FF.
For some command like #**, the address is ** for all modules.
(Command/Response) Command with parameters or response with data.
[CHK] 2-character checksum. If the CheckSum is disabled, no [CHK] here.
(cr) end-of-command character, character return(0Dh)

Calculate Checksum
  1. Calculate ASCII sum of all characters of (Leading), (Address) and (Command)(or (Response)).
  2. Mask the sum of string with 0ffh, or said only take the last 2 digits of the hex value of the sum.
    For example, if the sum is 01BCh, take the "BC" as the [CHK].

  • Command string : $012
    1. Sum of string = `$'+`0'+`1'+`2' = 24h+30h+31h+32h = B7h

    2. The checksum is B7h, and [CHK] = "B7"

    3. Command string with checksum : $012B7(cr)

  • Response string : !01070600
    1. Sum of string : `!'+`0'+`1'+`0'+`7'+`0'+`6'+`0'+`0' =
      21h + 30h + 31h + 30h + 37h + 30h + 36h + 30h + 30h = 1AFh

    2. The checksum is AFh, and [CHK] = "AF"

    3. Response string with checksum : !01070600AF
    4. (cr)

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