/* 1. Compiler: TC 2.0 2. Mode: Large 3. Project: Init.prj Init.c ..\lib\8000l.lib ..\lib\tcpipl.lib 4. Explain: To check the init pin connecting the GND or not. 5. Hordware: 8831 It's compiled by Tony ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include #include #include #include #include #include"..\LIB\8000.h" #include"..\LIB\vxcomm.h" /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ unsigned long far * const TimeTick=(unsigned long far *)0x0040006C; void Delay0(unsigned t) { unsigned long t0=*TimeTick+t; while(*TimeTick>8,ver&0xff); } else { Print("Hello PC!, this program is not run under I-8831."); return; } Print("\r\nPress 'q' to puit program..."); while(!quit){ if(ReadInitPin()){ Print("\n\rInit pin is Close to COM"); } else { Print("\n\rInit pin is Open"); } Delay0(100); if(Kbhit()){ Getch(); quit=1; } } }