#include"..\lib\8000.h" main(void) { if(!Is8000()) return; Init5DigitLed(); Set5DigitLedIntensity(3); Print("Now all led off(except the power LED)\n\r"); Print("Press any key to Show 5DigitLed(12345)\n\r"); Getch(); Show5DigitLed(1,1); Show5DigitLed(2,2); Show5DigitLed(3,3); Show5DigitLed(4,4); Show5DigitLed(5,5); Print("Press any key to Show 5DigitLed(\n\r"); Getch(); Show5DigitLedWithDot(1,5); Show5DigitLedWithDot(2,4); Show5DigitLedWithDot(3,3); Show5DigitLedWithDot(4,2); Show5DigitLedWithDot(5,1); Print("Press any key for 'L3 ON'\n\r"); Getch(); SetLedL3(LED_ON); Print("Press any key to 'L2 ON'\n\r"); Getch(); SetLedL2(LED_ON); Print("Press any key to 'L1 ON'\n\r"); Getch(); SetLedL1(LED_ON); Print("Press any key to 'L3 OFF'\n\r"); Getch(); SetLedL3(LED_OFF); Print("Press any key to 'L2 OFF'\n\r"); Getch(); SetLedL2(LED_OFF); Print("Press any key to 'L1 OFF'\n\r"); Getch(); SetLedL1(LED_OFF); Print("Press 'q' to quit, other key to toggle L1/L2/L3\n\r"); while(Getch() !='q'){ SetLedL1(LED_TOGGLE); SetLedL2(LED_TOGGLE); SetLedL3(LED_TOGGLE); } }