/* 8073 library ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8073 hardware support A/D(12 bits) * 1 (input range : 0~5V or -5V~+5V) D/I * 4 D/O * 4 (Open collector) MMC card * 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- version 1.01(start at [07/29/2003]) 1. Change function name to start with "_8073_". (Also define old function name to the new function name for source level compatible.) EEPROM(24LC16): total space is 2048 BYTES. divided into 8 blocks, every block has 256 bytes, the last 32 bytes(block 7, addr=0xE0~0xFF) is used for store A/D calibration data. other space can be used. */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif int _8073_GetLibVersion(void); /* Version 1.01 start to support this function. return value: 0x0101 for version 1.01,(0x0102 for ver. 1.02,... ,etc.) */ char *_8073_GetLibDate(void); /* Version 1.01 start to support this function. return value: return a string for the library DATA. the date format will like : "Jul 30 2003" */ unsigned int Initial8073(int slot,unsigned long *BN,unsigned long *MS, int mode); /* will call _8073_Initial_MMC() & _8073_Initial_AD(). */ /* FOR MMC card --------------------------------------*/ #define Initial8073_MMC _8073_Initial_MMC #define MMC_WRITE_BLOCK _8073_MmcWriteBlock #define MMC_READ_BLOCK _8073_MmcReadBlock unsigned int _8073_Initial_MMC(int slot,unsigned long *BlockNo,unsigned long *MemorySize); /* Before use a new MMC card must call this function. argument: slot:[INPUT] for 84xx: 0~3, for 88xx: 0~7 BlockNo:[OUTPUT] the block size of the MMC card. MemorySize[OUTPUT] the total memory size of the MMC card. return value: 0 for success, and store the block number to ClockNo & total memory size to MemorySize. 1 for error(BlockNo & MemorySize are not changed). */ unsigned int _8073_MmcWriteBlock(int slot,unsigned char *data,unsigned long block,int TryCount); /* argument: slot:[INPUT] for 84xx: 0~3, for 88xx: 0~7 data:[INPUT] the data buffer. block:[INPUT] the block number for data write to. TryCount:[INPUT] when write error will try TryCount times. return value: 0 for write successfully. 1/2 for write fail. */ unsigned int _8073_MmcReadBlock(int slot,unsigned char *data,unsigned long block,int TryCount); /* argument: slot:[INPUT] for 84xx: 0~3, for 88xx: 0~7 data:[OUTPUT] the data buffer. block:[INPUT] the block number for data write to. TryCount:[INPUT] when write error will try TryCount times. return value: 0 for read successfully. 1/2 for read fail. */ /* for EEPROM ------------------------------------------*/ #define EE_WriteEnable_8073 _8073_EE_WriteEnable #define EE_WriteProtect_8073 _8073_EE_WriteProtect #define EE_RandomRead_8073 _8073_EE_RandomRead #define EE_ReadNext_8073 _8073_EE_ReadNext #define EE_MultiRead_8073 _8073_EE_MultiRead #define EE_RandomWrite_8073 _8073_EE_RandomWrite #define EE_MultiWrite_8073 _8073_EE_MultiWrite void _8073_EE_WriteEnable(int slot); /* Set EEPROM to write enable mode, before write data to EEPROM must call this function once. */ void _8073_EE_WriteProtect(int slot); /* Set EEPROM to write protect mode. */ int _8073_EE_RandomRead(int slot,int Block,int Addr); /* Read one byte data from EEPROM. argument: Block:[INPUT] 0~7 Addr:[INPUT] 0~255 */ int _8073_EE_ReadNext(int slot,int Block); /* Read the next byte(since last read) data fro EEPROM. */ int _8073_EE_MultiRead(int slot,int StartBlock,int StartAddr,int no,char *databuf); /* Read multi bytes data from EEPROM.(At max can read all 2048 bytes.) */ int _8073_EE_RandomWrite(int slot,int Block,int Addr,int Data); /* Write one byte data to EEPROM at block/addr. */ int _8073_EE_MultiWrite(int slot,int Block,int Addr,int no,char *Data); /* Write multi bytes data to EEPROM. Every time call this function can write 16 bytes Max. The write address will only change the Least 4 bits,for example, start address is 0x4A, write 10 bytes, the 10 bytes data will write to adddress 0x4A,0x4B,0x4C,0x4D,0x4E,0x4F,0x40(NOT 0x50),0x41(NOT 0x51),0x42(NOT 0x52),0x43(NOT 0x53) */ /* for DO(0-3) ------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define SetDO _8073_SetDO void _8073_SetDO(int slot,int dd); /* for DI(0-3) ------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define GetDI _8073_GetDI int _8073_GetDI(int slot); /* for A/D ----------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define _8073_MODE_10V_ 0 #define _8073_MODE_5V_ 1 #define AnalogIn _8073_GetAD_Hex #define GetAngIn _8073_GetAD_Calibration #define Read_AD_CalibrationGain _8073_Read_AD_CalibrationGain #define Read_AD_CalibrationOffset _8073_Read_AD_CalibrationOffset #define Write_AD_CalibrationGain _8073_Write_AD_CalibrationGain #define Write_AD_CalibrationOffset _8073_Write_AD_CalibrationOffset void _8073_Initial_AD(int slot,int mode); /* If want use the function _8073_GetAD() with calibration, must call _8073_Initial_AD() first. argument: slot:[INPUT] for 84xx: 0~3, for 88xx: 0~7 mode:[INPUT] 0(_8073_MODE_10V_) for input range -5V ~ +5V 1(_8073_MODE_5V_) for input range 0V ~ +5V */ int _8073_GetAD_Hex(int slot); /* return value: the 12 bits A/D value, Min=0, Max=0xFFF. */ int _8073_GetAD_Hex_Calibration(int slot); /* return value: The A/D value with calibration, 16 bits,map -32768~32767 to -5V~+5V for both input mode. */ float _8073_GetAD_Calibration(int slot); /* return value: the A/D value with calibration transfer to Volt. */ float _8073_Read_AD_CalibrationGain(int slot, int mode); /* return value: the calibration GAIN value stored in EEPROM. */ float _8073_Read_AD_CalibrationOffset(int slot, int mode); /* return value: the calibration OFFSET value stored in EEPROM. */ int _8073_Write_AD_CalibrationGain(int slot, int mode, float fGain); /* Store the calibration GAIN to EEPROM. return value: 0: success. 1,2: write to EEPROM fail. */ int _8073_Write_AD_CalibrationOffset(int slot, int mode, float fOffset); /* Store the calibration OFFSET to EEPROM. return value: 0: success. 1,2: write to EEPROM fail. */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif