/********************************************/ /* Library list for 7188E -XServer ¡@¡@*/ /********************************************/ Version 1.7 [August,25,2010] by Nicholas Update: Vcom3223.lib Update to Vcom3225.lib[2008/10/03] tcpipl.lib Update to tcpip32.lib[2010/05/26] 7188el.lib Update to 7188el.lib[2009/07/31] VXCOMM.h Update to VXCOMM.h[2008/10/03] tcpipl.h Update to tcpip32.h[2010/03/10] 7188e.h Update to 7188e.h[2009/04/27] [Xboard head file and library] x304.lib Update to x304.lib[2009/09/14] x310.lib Update to x310.lib[2008/08/14] x304.h Update to x304.h[2009/09/14] x310.h Update to x310.h[2008/08/14] Version 1.6 [8¤ë25¤é,2005] by Liam Add Demo: XDemo70 Description: Get the IP address of domain name using function DN_to_IP(). Version 1.5 [8¤ë17¤é,2005] by Liam Update: Vcom3223.lib Update to Vcom3223.lib[2005/07/29] tcpipl.lib Update to tcpipL.lib[2005/07/29] 7188el.lib Update to 7188el.lib[2005/07/05] Version 1.3 [11,May,2005] by Liam Update: 1.XDemo30 Include X304.lib 2.XDemo31 Include X310.lib Version 1.3 [11,May,2005] by Liam Update: Vcom321.lib Update to Vcom3223.lib tcpipl.lib Update to tcpipL.lib 7188el.lib[2004/10/14] Update to 7188el.lib[2005/4/8] Version 1.22 [7,,2005] by Sean Modify: Fix the vxcomm libray bug (Update to Vcom321.lib) Add: Add x202.c/x202.h to \lib Version 1.1 [15,Oct,2004] by Annita Modify Demo: 1.XDemo15,XDemo16,XDemo18,XDemo30,XDemo31,XDemo32,XDemo33, XDemo57,XDemo63,XDemo64,XDemo69 Description: for 7188el.lib, Removing function InstallCom(), Using function SetBaudrate(),SetDataFormat(). 2.XDemo33,XDemo57 Description: for 7188el.Lib, The function IsResetByPowerOff() Replace to function IsResetByPowerOn(). 3.XDemo11,XDemo13,XDemo17 Description: Adding discriminate module program: XBoard-X107 for 7188E series module, If the 7188E moudle's name is I7188EA. The Input_Address become 1, the other is 0. 4.XDemo20 Description: Modifing program NVRAM,Reading data for charcters, replacing to below(reading data for int,float,string): 19ri, 19RI -> Read one Integer from NVRAM 19wi, 19WI -> Write one Integer to NVRAM 19rf, 19RF -> Read one Float from NVRAM 19wf, 19WF -> Write one Float to NVRAM 19rs, 19RS -> Read String from NVRAM 19ws, 19WS -> Write String to NVRAM 19c, 19C -> clear NVSRAM Add Demo: XDemo34 Description: The demo is similar to the XDemo23. It can using a global variable to save the socket number. and then, User can send data to client program Using function VcomSendSocket() in the other sub routine.