/* Project: Ethernet Client demo program with timer interrupt function Compiler: BC++ 3.1, Turbo C++ 1.01(3.01) Compile mode: large Project: TCP_Client.c ..\..\lib\7188el.lib ..\..\lib\tcpip32.lib Details: This demo sends string "11test" to another I-7188E/8000E that running a Xserver program. The Xserver default supports command "11" for testing. It will responses a string in "<11(Data)>" format. In this demo, the data is "test", thus each time, the program should receive "<11test>", totally 8 bytes. [Nov 3, 2008] by Liam [Aug,3,2011] by Nicholas [March,19,2012] by Nicholas */ #include #include "..\..\lib\7188e.h" #include "..\..\lib\Tcpip32.h" int iLoop=0; extern long ET_TOUT; // basic timeout value fd_set c_fds; // client socket set of socket file descriptors for reading void Interrupt_Fun(void) { //DO is used to generate square wave for testing. iLoop++; } int Ethernet_Connect(unsigned char *cRemoteIP,int iRemoteTCPPort,long lConnect_Timeout) { int s,iTemp,iRet; struct sockaddr_in sktRemoteServer; unsigned long lStartTimeTick; s=socket(PF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0); if(s>=0) { YIELD(); memset(&sktRemoteServer, 0, sizeof(sktRemoteServer)); // bzero is a unix system call sktRemoteServer.sin_family = AF_INET; sktRemoteServer.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(cRemoteIP); sktRemoteServer.sin_port = htons(iRemoteTCPPort); YIELD(); SOCKET_NOBLOCK(s); //Set Non-blocking mode ET_TOUT=300L; //300ms, ET_TOUT has less than 800ms (WatchDog reboot time) iRet=connect(s, (struct sockaddr *)&sktRemoteServer, sizeof(sktRemoteServer)); if(iRet) // unsuccessful connection not 0 { lStartTimeTick=GetTimeTicks(); if(errno==EINPROGRESS) { while((GetTimeTicks()-lStartTimeTick)=0) { SOCKET_BLOCK(s); FD_SET(s,&c_fds); return s; } else { RefreshWDT(); return -1; } } void main(void) { int iRet; int iSocket,err,iLength; char sInBuffer[100]; InitLib(); //Step1. Initial the Ethernet. iRet=NetStart(); if(iRet<0) { Print("Initialize TCP Server failed \n\r"); return; } //Step2. Connect to remote 7188/8000E or PC. reconnect: iSocket=Ethernet_Connect("",10000, 1000); //IP:, Port:10000, Connection timeout:1000ms if(iSocket>=0) { Print("Connect ok, socket=%d\n\r", iSocket); } else { Print("Connect error.\n\r"); goto reconnect; } //Step3. Install a timer interrupt function. InstallUserTimerFunction_us(10000, Interrupt_Fun);//install timer interrupt. //Step4. Begin the loop function for(;;) { if(iLoop>=500) //Send "11test" to the remote 7188E/8000E or PC every 500 ms. { YIELD(); iRet= send(iSocket, "11test", 6, 0); //6 bytes, 0:MSG_OOB YIELD(); iLoop=0; } iLength=0; if(FD_ISSET(iSocket,&c_fds)) { if(!ioctlsocket(iSocket,FIONREAD,&err) && (err>0)) { iLength=recv(iSocket,sInBuffer,50,0); if(iLength<= 0) { shutdown(iSocket,2); closesocket(iSocket); FD_CLR(iSocket,&c_fds); //remove socket Print("Reconnect \n\r"); goto reconnect; } else { sInBuffer[iLength]=0; Print("%s\n\r", sInBuffer); } } } //Press ESC to terminate the program. if(Kbhit() && Getch()==27) { shutdown(iSocket,2); closesocket(iSocket); FD_CLR(iSocket,&c_fds); //remove socket StopUserTimerFun(); Nterm(); return; } } }