/* UDP10.C: UDP/IP socket demo By ICPDAS. Tim. Compiler: BC++ 3.1, Turbo C++ 1.01(3.01) (free from http://cc.codegear.com/free/cpp) MSC 6.0, MSVC 1.52. Compile mode: large Project: UDP10.c ..\lib\7188el.Lib ..\lib\tcpip32.lib Details: [RS-232]------[COM1/7188E]----[HUB]----[7188E/COM1]------[RS-232] (A) (B) (C) (D) (A): RS-232 device 1 (D): RS-232 device 2 (B): i-7188En/uPAC-7186EX, IP1( (C): i-7188En/uPAC-7186EX, IP2( on (B) run "udp10" on (C) run "udp10" both i-7188En/uPAC-7186EX will be a server & client. use UDP/IP port 10000. (1) i-7188En/uPAC-7186EX will Listen PORT 10000, after any connection come in, the input data from the socket will send to COM1 of 7188En. (2) i-7188En/uPAC-7186EX also will be a client, and connect to another i-7188En/uPAC-7186EX at the TCP port 10000. After connect to the remote i-7188En/uPAC-7186EX, any data come from COM1 will send to remote i-7188En/uPAC-7186EX by TCP packet. [Dec 14, 2001] 1. Read COM1 setting from EEPROM. P.S. using MiniOS7 Command : "setcom 1 [baud,data,parity,stop]" to set or display current setting value. 2. Add the variable "ShowDebugMsg" to disable(0) or enable(1) show debug message. 3. Add LED flash when connected to another server node. for example command: run [Nov 04, 2008] by Liam [Aug,3,2011] by Nicholas */ #include #include #include #include #include "..\lib\7188e.h" #include "..\lib\Tcpip32.h" #define BUFSIZE 1500 /* read/write buffer size */ #define SERVICE 10000 /* define the service port for Server */ #define SOCKETS 32 /* define the maximum number of sockets */ #define QLEN SOCKETS-1 /* maximum connection queue length */ typedef struct COM_DATA { unsigned long baud; char databit; char parity; char stopbit; unsigned char sum; } *pCOM_DATA, COM_DATA; int QuitMain=0; int ShowDebugMsg=1; COM_DATA Com1Data; fd_set rfds; /* set of socket file descriptors for reading */ typedef struct socket_state { int active; /* socket is active */ struct sockaddr_in sin; /* client address */ } socket_state; socket_state sst[SOCKETS]; /* sockets state table */ STOPWATCH swLed; // clear, shutdown and close all sockets void killsockets(void) { int i; FD_ZERO(&rfds); /* clear FD set */ for(i=0; i1) { IpStr=argv[1]; } else { if(ShowDebugMsg) Print("please use : demo10 remote-IP-addr\r\n"); exit(1); } err=NetStart(); if(err<0) { if(ShowDebugMsg) Print("Init Ethernet error.\n\r"); return; } master=Nopen("*", "UDP/IP", 10000, 0, S_NOCON | S_NOWA); outskt=Nopen(IpStr, "UDP/IP", 0, 10000, S_NOCON | S_NOWA); if(master<0 || outskt<0) { Print("Can not open a connection for UDP/IP"); Nterm(); return ; } SOCKET_NOBLOCK(master); // Get the setting value of COM1 EE_MultiRead(0, 0, sizeof(COM_DATA), (char *) &Com1Data); { unsigned char sum=0; unsigned char *ptr=(unsigned char *) &Com1Data; int j; for(j=0; j<7; j++) sum+=*ptr++; if(sum!=Com1Data.sum) { // use the default setting [9600, N, 8, 1] Com1Data.baud=9600L, Com1Data.databit=8, Com1Data.parity=0, Com1Data.stopbit=1; } } if(ShowDebugMsg) { Print("Baud=%lu,data=%d,parity=%d\n\r",Com1Data.baud,Com1Data.databit,Com1Data.parity); DelayMs(100); } InstallCom1(Com1Data.baud, Com1Data.databit, Com1Data.parity, Com1Data.stopbit); T_StopWatchStart(&swLed); while(!QuitMain) { YIELD(); // must add this line in the while loop if(T_StopWatchGetTime(&swLed)>=500) { T_StopWatchStart(&swLed); LedToggle(); } // socket to COM len=Nread(master, InBuf, sizeof(InBuf)); if(len>0) { for(i=0; i